After Stinging remarks that they were exceedingly lazy and the ensuing barrage of PT, the corps of engineers has taken upon itself to provide some photographs of the theatre for the constituency. Furthermore the corps decided to emply the latest in color enhancement software to make up for the equipment that they say failed them in the first place.
Preparations are being made for the introduction of new friendlies tommorrow. However a severe weather system may thwart the operation. Memories of the great October Offensive loom over the thoughts of all officers as freezing rain has allready arrived and the great lake effect snowfall machine begins to rev up.

Preparations are being made for the introduction of new friendlies tommorrow. However a severe weather system may thwart the operation. Memories of the great October Offensive loom over the thoughts of all officers as freezing rain has allready arrived and the great lake effect snowfall machine begins to rev up.