45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

Yeah, the other reason for baking is because if you don't then the soil releases a huge amount of ammonia into the water. Baking reduces and sometimes completely removes this ammonia release :) That's why it's best to add it to a cycled tank as then if it does release ammonia, the filter takes it in and cycles it straight away :)
Alright Guys and Gals, here is a little update. Decided not to go with dirt, going the easy, although more expensive route and bought a bag of black gravel and 2 bags of Eco-Complete. Wood is still soaking and I have ordered the light fixture which is on its way. Once the log has become water logged I will be able to plant. Once ammonia and nitrite are at 0 and I have nitrates only I will add fish, going to go Semi Aggressive. An African spotted leaf fish will be the star of the tank. I will have a school of 6 tiger barbs as well. 3-4 Ottos to eat algae, and about 6 cory cats (Julie most likely). I will also get a few snails.  Here are some updated photos of the tank so far. Plants are going to be anubias, dwarf grass, and java fern and some amazon sword for height. Tell me what you think so far.

Looking good! Why did you avoid the soil route? :) Mine is going well now, the plants are growing already I could swear :lol:
Thanks for the replies. Didn't do soil because it just seemed like too much work for first time planted yank. I don't have that much time on my hands. On a plus I'm making tons of nitrates just waiting for nitrites to come back down then its cycled. I have 0 ammonia and that was after a 100 percent water change and my tap has 0.5ppm ammonia in it.
Alright guys, finally got my lighting in, and here are some pics. The wood is still not waterlogged, but going to add plants here very soon, placing an order for a bunch this weekend. I will just keep the bag of pebbles on it until it is logged, it looks bad I know but hey, what do you do? Anyways here are the pictures.

You did the aquarium I envy! I love them both. Cant wait to see finished results!
Wow! Looking good! Just waiting for new batteries for my camera and then I'll be updating mine, the plants are taking off! Hope you have the same success as me while using the plant substrate :) It's amazing :lol: I do like that wood, is your's bogwood or redmoor wood?
Think it is red moor. Not sure was in a bin and I liked it so I grabbed it. It was 40 bucks so I'm thinking red moor since bogwood is not that expensive.
Yeah, it looks more like redmoor to me with the spangly/branchy bits on it :) Didn't think Bogwood had that lol. Think I've got redmoor :lol: My boyfriend gave it to me and he calls it redvine/goldvine wood but when I search that I just get redmoor so I think it's redmoor lol.
Hey guys, been a few weeks, finally got my wood soaked, and plants in. Here are some pics of the tank with no fish. Hopefully I'll have some pics with fish up today. I have put in so far, 6 peppered corys, One Clown Pleco, and 2 Electric blue rams. Will be putting in a school of Harlequin Rasboras, at least ten. I'm thinking I may put a couple gourami in there too, not sure, any thoughts on what to put in after the Rasbora will be great, was thinking maybe some Rainbowfish too. Anyways, here are the pics.

Alright Guys, here is a picture of the tank with fish. A lot of the plants have melted, and are now growing back, so excuse the shabbiness.


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