45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2013
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Hello everyone! After much contemplation and research I have decided to go with a 45 gallon tank to do my first planted community. With the work I do sometimes time can be limited so didn't want something too big, but wanted something big enough, 45 gallon I think is a good size. This project will take many weeks to complete so stay with me to see updates.
1st Week, Getting the tank up and running and soaking my one piece of wood (might put more in there not sure yet).

Will be able to buy substrate, plants, rock,  heater and correct lighting in the next two weeks stay tuned for the Second update!!!
fantastic, will look great... just a tip.. i would say have a dirt tank. it is low tech and your plants will do great to compared to just having gravel or sand.. with the root ferts.
to set up a dirt tank will not be hard to do.. i was able to set mine up in just a few hours, and because you don't have any fish it'll be easier! .. just the thing is you'll have to drain the tank.. which wont be too bad. if you go on YouTube and look at Dustinsfishtanks.. he has a whole section on what to do..
it'll allow to have your plants grow amazingly lush haha.. anyways just my thought on what you should do :)
Looks great already :p looking forward to more updates!
I have been researching him for a while just cant wrap my head around miracle grow not killing your fish with all the chemicals and fertilizers. Do they make an all natural miracle grow? And yeah sand will be on top of the dirt for a finished look.
Yes, use Organic Miracle Grow.

You can also use John Innes #3 I believe.
NOOOO do not use sand!!! if you are putting dirt then sand is a huge nono! the gas in the dirt will build and you'll have an explosion of dirt because sand does not let it breath!!!
gravel lets the dirt breath, also you can get gravel that has the colour of sand.
also you use the organic soils.. that will not have any bad things that will harm fish.
Ok so how long do I wait before putting plants in? Do it immediately or do multiple water changes first?
Tank is already almost done cycling, my 20g isn't even that far along yet (fish in cycle vs fishless cycle). Still need to know when is a good time to plant plants after adding Miracle grow organic. Thanks.
BerryAttack said:
NOOOO do not use sand!!! if you are putting dirt then sand is a huge nono! the gas in the dirt will build and you'll have an explosion of dirt because sand does not let it breath!!!
gravel lets the dirt breath, also you can get gravel that has the colour of sand.
also you use the organic soils.. that will not have any bad things that will harm fish.
Not entirely true if you have something to stir the sand ;) AKA, Malaysian Trumpet Snails :) I have just set-up my two soil tanks with sand so will keep an eye on this journal :)
When is an ok time to plant my tank after adding the soil and gravel?
When you can see where you're planting them :)
I did mine Tuesday 10th September and it took a day and four 35% waterchanges throughout the day on Wednesday 11th September(yesterday basically) to see into it enough to plant lol. When you can see what you're planting, plant lol. Ooh, bake the soil at 230c for 2 hours before adding it and make sure to screen it for waste(I found plastic in mine and there have been reports of plastic in Miracle Grow Organic too) before adding it to your tank. You might want to add some natural red clay in too as it boosts the nutrients for the plants :)
No, it needs baking(which mineralizes it) to convert the organic meterials into things the aquatic plants can use as they are currently no good for the aquatic plants :)
Hmm sounds like a ton of work may just go the eco complete route. How long before it is safe for fish after planting a soiled tank?
BriansAquarium said:
Hmm sounds like a ton of work may just go the eco complete route. How long before it is safe for fish after planting a soiled tank?
With a cycled filter? Straight away

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