42 gallon build

Any tips on removing the old stuff? I'm using a scraper and it's not coming off real well.
you sure are ambitious
A free tank with just a few hours work is worth it lol. I already had the silicone and gun :) besides, I'm quarantined and have nothing better to do!
I think you need to use a razor blade but be careful not to cut into the seam where the glass exactly meets
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afterwards i believe you need to use some rubbing alcohol to clean the glass of residue
Says silicone 1 but also says 7 years no mold
Okay :) I'm not in any hurry
I got all of the old silicone off. Tomorrow I'll wash it really well. I'll let it dry and seal it the next day :) then 2 days of drying
I ordered another silicone 1 that didnt say mold free, it will be here on Wednesday
sounds good..I think you should use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol to get off any residue but check with @Colin_T

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