40 Tanks To Stock - Suggestions?

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
My fishroom looks like a Ghost house...... I sold all of my fish in one go..... I need to restock (around) 40 tanks and 5 ponds with fish that are not (too) easy to breed, but must have a good market.... (not any livebearers... I've had them up to my ears).....

The first 2 tanks are stocked with Bronze & Albino Corries and the 2nd with BN's.... any other suggestions for the rest of the tanks?.... (Most of the tanks are standard 3ft tanks).....

I'm thinking of Black Lace Angels in the next tank..... Kissers, Congos, Kribs, Rams, Australian Rainbows, Moonlights, are all along the line of my thinking...... Please help out.
wow thats a big collection

any chance of a photo of room :)

i would say go for those red tailed sharks

black angels are good choice too :)
maybe some tiger barbs that would be pretty cool
any chance of a photo of room :)
i would say go for those red tailed sharks

black angels are good choice too :)

I have ordered new polystyrene basis for all of my tanks, and I'm painting them all as well.... will show photos when done.... & then???......Red tailed sharks????? have they (EVER) been bred in captivity???.... - if so, I'll give 'em a try, but I doubt if it is possible???
SA/CA cichlids, green terrors, red terrors, jaguars, umbee's, dovii's, discus?, any of the sharks, west african blockheads, catfish, plecs, firemouths, severums, oscars, blackbelts, black nasties, vieja synspilium the list is endless.

What would you fancy keeping? Placid fish or aggressive, personality or prolific breeders to fund your project?
Caecilians are becoming more popular and interesting
Decisions, decisions! Are you looking for larger sized fish or smaller? Most of the choices you've made so far seem on the medium/large end of the spectrum so I'm guessing the smaller fish aren't what you'd choose. I'm not sure what your water parameters are but if it was my 40 tanks (I wish!) and I had suitable water I'd be going for Pencilfish, some Tetra such as glowlight, black widow, buenos aires etc, and of course some of the pseudomugil sp and rainbows.
There's always the world of cichlids to explore too!
Decisions, decisions! Are you looking for larger sized fish or smaller? Most of the choices you've made so far seem on the medium/large end of the spectrum so I'm guessing the smaller fish aren't what you'd choose. I'm not sure what your water parameters are but if it was my 40 tanks (I wish!) and I had suitable water I'd be going for Pencilfish, some Tetra such as glowlight, black widow, buenos aires etc, and of course some of the pseudomugil sp and rainbows.
There's always the world of cichlids to explore too!
Myrtle... your suggestions have made it more clear to me..... Smaller cichlids and things like Pencilfish.... (if they are possible to breed in tanks or ponds)...... (nothing common)..... I have people walking into my fishroom on a daily basis, & they steal with the eye..... Next week, they've got a setup like mine & producing the same...... I want those fish that - even if you see it done, you cannot do it unless you do that something special.... You get my whiff??
What about the Blue Phantom Plecos (L128)? They are very very hard to breed, people struggle to get these to breed. Or what about Chocolate Gourami, you say you like them, yet you haven't got them yet. Or a rare sought after fish like the Denisonii Barb.

Carl... I'm Googling those you're suggesting, and Big_C..... I cannot think what that innocent face is suggesting???..... I'm sure you have something in mind.... (appart fom Killis)

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