40 Tanks To Stock - Suggestions?

rarer plecs generally seem a challenge to breed, and are always in demand for good money. how about some of the rarer cory's ? i recently saw some delphax cory's for the first time and they looked great in a big group. davidsoni, skunk etc are always expensive when i see them.
Or, and what about the rarer species of angel, P.altum and P.leopoldi
I get your point, livebearers are so easy to breed that everyone gives it a go taking the market away from you. I know of people in this country that have bred pencilfish in tanks (Beckfords, marginatus and another I think) but I don't know how easy it is to get quality breeding stock. The water needs to be soft as far as I can recall. I suppose, again if it were me, I would work out what I liked first as there's no point breeding a fish you don't enjoy keeping, then find out what kind of market there is for them. If you went for the smaller fish, eg pencils, tetra etc it would give you more room for different species than larger cichlids as they would need more space and would be more of a specialism I suppose. I would guess that they'd need 1 tank per pair and more growing out space than the smaller fish. I don't know if that's a consideration? Being in the UK I'm afraid I can't ofer any suggestions regarding ponds as they'd freeze to death here!
rarer plecs generally seem a challenge to breed, and are always in demand for good money. how about some of the rarer cory's ? i recently saw some delphax cory's for the first time and they looked great in a big group. davidsoni, skunk etc are always expensive when i see them.
+1 for rare corys, one of the most sought after species is the Gold Laser Cory or the Green Laser Cory. They are easy to breed and a lot more valueable than Bronze Corys
rarer plecs generally seem a challenge to breed, and are always in demand for good money. how about some of the rarer cory's ? i recently saw some delphax cory's for the first time and they looked great in a big group. davidsoni, skunk etc are always expensive when i see them.
+1 for rare corys, one of the most sought after species is the Gold Laser Cory or the Green Laser Cory. They are easy to breed and a lot more valueable than Bronze Corys

Another Google will be done on those Carl.... but it must also be borne in mind..... I'm in SA, & although I've now made contact with a (very expensive) importer of fish..... I cannot lay my hands onto just everything suggested..... BUT,... If I have a list that I present to the guy... maybe he could get me a 3 out of 5 requested fish.....
rarer plecs generally seem a challenge to breed, and are always in demand for good money. how about some of the rarer cory's ? i recently saw some delphax cory's for the first time and they looked great in a big group. davidsoni, skunk etc are always expensive when i see them.
+1 for rare corys, one of the most sought after species is the Gold Laser Cory or the Green Laser Cory. They are easy to breed and a lot more valueable than Bronze Corys

Another Google will be done on those Carl.... but it must also be borne in mind..... I'm in SA, & although I've now made contact with a (very expensive) importer of fish..... I cannot lay my hands onto just everything suggested..... BUT,... If I have a list that I present to the guy... maybe he could get me a 3 out of 5 requested fish.....
Totally understand. They may be expensive Ludwig, but you will still make a pretty large profit (if thats what you're after :shifty: ) if the prices of those species are high in SA.
I've also heard that chucking in a handfull of Khuli Loaches into a pond will produce substantially more fish than you originally put in..... Maybe that is another consideration???... But, on average... Khuli's are not very popular, as you hardly ever see the blighters?
Get breeding some uncommon L numbers Ludwig, and watch the money roll in :hey:

angles are fairly easy to breed but the blacks veils still can get you a good price.
I would look at what types of plecos you can get ahold of and go from there.
kirbs are another good choice.
I am always looking for royal Farlowella Cats they would make a good resale fish

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