40-gallon Neolamprologus Similis journal

Most of the smaller cichlids aren't very colourful, and certainly nothing like male peacock cichlids (Aulonocara sp).

Neolamprologus brichardi aren't big sellers and are highly territorial when they set up home and I would not keep them with shell dwellers.

Just have the 2 species, there will be room for both and they can breed and not interfere with each other.
Most of the smaller cichlids aren't very colourful, and certainly nothing like male peacock cichlids (Aulonocara sp).

Neolamprologus brichardi aren't big sellers and are highly territorial when they set up home and I would not keep them with shell dwellers.

Just have the 2 species, there will be room for both and they can breed and not interfere with each other.
I was looking into the rock dwellers and found out that they likely wouldn't be the best for my set up.

I think I will just go with the initial idea.
They've been digging a lot!

For reference, here's how it looked before they started digging
Still dealing with the algae. Not to sure it’s diatoms. It’s pretty hard to get off the glass.
The vals are growijg more plants but not really growing taller yet.

The fish have definitely been busy digging around.
Here’s one buried shell that’s now abandoned
What are your plans for the fry?
I plan on letting them continue to populate the tank. I currently only have 4 in the 40g tank so it could stand to have a few more.
To reduce aggression, I will remove some of the males once they begin to show aggression towards each other. These I will either sell or get credit at my lfs.
Fully grown my lfs sells these for 30 dollars. I could maybe get 10 a piece. Not sure though.
It's always nice to know that you have provided your fish optimal conditions for their needs...well done

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