40-gallon Neolamprologus Similis journal

Been a while since i updated this.

The fry are growing every day and most have moved out to their own shells.
Unfortunately, they didn't all make it.

2 days ago after my water change, I forgot to plug the heater back in. Thank god their ok. 😐
WC day!

Fry are growing nicely.

For some reason my jungle Val are not growing taller. Idk what the problem is...
Been a minute since I updated the thread.
2 Fry survived. They are growing well.

Full tank shot:


Been dealing with BGA in the tank ever since I sold too much of my floating plants. Too much light caused it to resurface.
My plants are doing awful. I don't know what I could be doing wrong.

Not really the best update. 😐


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This tank might be coming to an end.
Nothing seems to be going right with it.
I thought I had the cyanobacteria taken care of but now this is how the tank looks.
The plants are doing terribly.

It's becoming more of a burden than a pleasure and that's generally when I call it quits. I'm ready to move on to another setup.
I started this thread a little over a year ago and it was a fun journey.
Gained invaluable experience along the way as well.

It's gonna take a bit to rehome the fish, so while this isn't the last you will see of the tank, it is the beginning of the end.

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