My friend ,here i can't find brine shrimp,daphnia,...etc if that could possible for me then why ill ask questions. its like you live in area where you have plenty of water and im in desert where rivers and wells are dry and im asking for how to find water you are saying peoples are helping you by saying go to the river,well etc but you are not listening .Ok OP you are asking a question right and people are giving you answers..? Am I wrong? You are asking for help and we are giving you help yet you just don't listen. Sounds like you think you know it all, but buddy I've been in fish keeping for 6-7 years and I'm STILL learning. You are a newbie right? I suggest you listen to what others say. I don't sugarcoat things, so I maybe sounding rude but it's the utter truth.
Geographical locations matters lot. i can find fish food and mosquito larvae only. thats why im asking for different alternative. till today i have 28 fry left. they got bit bigger now.