4 Month Albino Corys, With No Eyes.


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hey, i raised 15 albino corys till they were 3 and a half months old, i gave 11 of them to my local pet store and kept 4, they are about 3cms long and 3 of the four that are in my 39gal have no eyes, but the 1 has both eyes, whats happened to them, did the other fish peck their eues out?, infection?, or were they born that way?

they are all feeding ok, even without sight, could you help?
im very certain there born like that,ive had a few like that over the years(not just corys) and never noticed until there a lot bigger.They prob will be ok to live if you want them too,just make sure they dont breed with anything cos you may have more deformed or blind fish.Congrats on your Corys anyhow i have some 1 month old fry here and im well proud :D
Hi guppy_man :)

I'm sorry about your little corys, but fortunately for them, they use their barbels to find their food and can manage, even without their eyes.

I have heard about cichlids eating cory's eyes and have one with only one eye that I rescued from a tank of cichlids at one of the lfs I go to. While it's possible that it's a genetic defect, I would tend to think it was caused by aggressive tankmates.

If it's at all possible, please get the corys out of that tank and into one where they can live out their days in peace. They will probably become your special pets. :wub:

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