4 Gallon

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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I always add some kind of plant. The only tank that doesn't have any live plant is the Moba Zaire fontosa tank.

Betta like plants. They don't seem to mind them being thickly planted either--mostly. Betta often like to rest on top of plants that grow near to the top. My ladies like hair algea (yuck!) and wrap up in it to sleep :lol: so I have let it grow at a controlled level. I have apples. They do get large--1.5-2". But I would think one golden apple or one of the exotic colors would work. They absolutely eat algea. My stock of Apples has increased so I have introduced them to the Betta tanks. None are full grown yet, but they are easily moved. They need a cover on their tank, as well as Betta do.

Fish need their personal space just like humans. If they are crowded together they get stressed. Even many shoaling fish need room to wander or to dart away and hide. They also relate to landmarks. Betta take their homes very seriously. The decor is their world, and you will be a big part of it. Don't worry, Betta are more than an interesting picture to look at or a possession to admire. Betta are a companion.

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