Fish Crazy
ok thanks
How big of a tank does someone need to have 3 corys with a betta??
Nevergone815, A small plec shouldn't be put in a ten gallon for any length of time. It is not good to recommend fish that are patently unsuitable for a small tank -especially when there are good small tank alternatives.i'm not all that expereinced yet but from what i read snails eat vegitative matter. so algae would be on the menu also any live plants. i don't really suggest live plants in a 4 gal due to space, unless it is very small. in a tank that size i really wouldn't put anything in it. if you get a 10 gal (in the future) it might be a good idea to get a pleco (small kind- or common if you can trade it u when it gets to big at your local pet store), and 3 small cory cats. i personally like bronze and albino ones. they don't grow as big (in my experiences) as some of the other cories out there. even though they like to be in groups i have had many of cories (before i knew of the group thing) that lived fine on their own w/o any othe cories. i would suggest a snail of some kind. you can try shrimp but i don't have any experience w/ them but people say they can go w/ just about anything.
i hope i helped you
I have Platies in with my betta and they are all fine.
Yes, not in a 4g, and it depends on the betta.
Nevergone815, A small plec shouldn't be put in a ten gallon for any length of time. It is not good to recommend fish that are patently unsuitable for a small tank -especially when there are good small tank alternatives.i'm not all that expereinced yet but from what i read snails eat vegitative matter. so algae would be on the menu also any live plants. i don't really suggest live plants in a 4 gal due to space, unless it is very small. in a tank that size i really wouldn't put anything in it. if you get a 10 gal (in the future) it might be a good idea to get a pleco (small kind- or common if you can trade it u when it gets to big at your local pet store), and 3 small cory cats. i personally like bronze and albino ones. they don't grow as big (in my experiences) as some of the other cories out there. even though they like to be in groups i have had many of cories (before i knew of the group thing) that lived fine on their own w/o any othe cories. i would suggest a snail of some kind. you can try shrimp but i don't have any experience w/ them but people say they can go w/ just about anything.
i hope i helped you
Some snails won't breed if kept singly, (apple) some need brackish to breed (zebra nerite) and these can be kept to eat algae without overrunning the tank.
Bronze & albino corydoras females can get up to four inches and the males to three inches if they are well kept. They do get stunted if conditions are not adequate and they don't behave the same when kept singly as they do as a group.
For a 4 gallon tank. IMO the only choices are a single Betta, possibly with a snail OR three or four male Endlers livebearers or Heterandria formosa which are tiny.
Big fish don't belong in little tanks.