3d Back Grounds


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester, Kent
I really want to fit a 3d background but am having no luck finding any at all. enough to cover the back of a rio 180.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

if it helps im in rochester, kent

I really want to fit a 3d background but am having no luck finding any at all. enough to cover the back of a rio 180.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

if it helps im in rochester, kent


Just make your own. There are tons of DIY article out there for really cool designs and tricks. Make one and post some pics for us to see!

See : http://aquarium.mriweb.nl/en/index.php
thankyou very much for the links.

After looking i think i will be making my own as i cannot set up my tank untill december as i am moving house. So plenty of time to have a go.
have a look on youtube as well. There are some really good DIY walk-thru vids. I saw one using plastic pipes cut in half (lengthways) to create caves and hollows, looked great when it was finished.

I am trying to create a moss wall background for my rio 180, but its a slow and patient process, unless you can afford loads of moss.

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