35Ltr Tank For Guppys


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2010
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i have 6 female a 6 male guppys in the community tank but ive been given a 35 ltr tank with built in filter in the lid and 2 small lights.
how many guppy would it be ok to put in there.
i'll be using mature media from the 200 ltr community tank but my youngest wants some of the guppys in a tank of his own
i have 6 female a 6 male guppys in the community tank but ive been given a 35 ltr tank with built in filter in the lid and 2 small lights.
how many guppy would it be ok to put in there.
i'll be using mature media from the 200 ltr community tank but my youngest wants some of the guppys in a tank of his own

brilliant new about the new tank, i think you could have 3 females and 2 males, if i was you id get another couple of females as you should have 2-3 females per male for livebearers. Maybe a few corys or a bottom feeder or some shrimp. di
i have 6 smallish males.
3 have massive spotted tails and 3 have bright orange and red tails and also 6 females.
3 are pretty small but 3 are very big that i got from a guppy breeder friend and they are at least 1.5 inches long.
i wanted to move the red/orange males and the small females so that would be 6 guppys in a 35 ltr but some say i could have corys aswell but my bronzes are huge at 3-4 inches so would have to be a smaller variety
A bronze is too big for a tiny tank like that. If you want cories, try using one of the pygmy varieties like C habrosus, C pygmaeus or C hastatus. At just around 3 cm, 1.2 inches, they are very light bio-loads and work nicely in a small tank. As with all cories, they do best in groups of at least 5. I tend to go closer to 10 with the pygmies but that's me.
i think i'll put aqbout 6 guppys in and leave the filter to catch up for a few weeks and in the meantime i'll look into small cories and get some ordered

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