32L Planted Aquarium

Update: A very good day! So my moss, rotala and fish eggs arrived today!
I simply just planted the rotala cuttings in to the corner. It has a lovely red colour so I hope I can keep it like that with no problem.

I've tied the moss using my fishing line to the bogwood. I'll cut it off in two to three weeks time, hoping that it has stuck!
One of the moss balls are at the back by the heater and I stuck one in the ground at the right.
And I cannot wait to hatch the eggs!!! They came in a tube of blue solution. No idea what that is. :L
Also, everything seems to be growing slowly but surely :)
(Sorry for the picture, I had just planted so the water is a bit cloudy)

I'll post a clearer picture later :)
It's really starting to take form, glad you're pleased with it :D
Yeah I agree, more or less just waiting for it to fill out. Hopefully some noticeable progress by the end of Easter holidays.
I'm just pleased that the plants aren't dying! :D
Looking great!
I had plants arrive today but I think I ordered too many tbh ahah, you're probably doing the right thing starting from small portions/cuttings
Thank you. :)
I do like cuttings BUT it kills me waiting for them to grow. :L
Guess it depends on where you get them from. I read through a lot of journals on here, but I haven't noticed many using cuttings. depends if people mention it though. 
You got a journal up?
Yeahh, it's in my signature. Going to post a photo a little later on :)
Most of my plants are probably going to die because they're shaded by each other :/
Yeah the plants I have will be a pain for shadowing when they grow, especially the star grass. Mine likes to grow sideways :L
Yeah maybe just move them around, give a little trim. I tried to space mine out a little bit but I don't want a tall bush effect to block the equipment. :)
So just a small update.
Had a massive trimming session last night. Pulled the bad leaves of the star grass and trimmed down the rotala. Not looking as great now but hopefully by the end of Easter  it will show some progress.
Hair grass is growing ridiculously slow so I'm thinking I may grow all of it in one corner and try a different carpeting plant. I am also thinking of adding some Hydrocotyle Leucocephala. Apparently its the easiest plant to grow. :L
I've also had my second shrimp die. Not sure why as I feed them shrimp food that Tri Mar picked for me and the parameters are great.

Anyway, for the new carpet plant, Aqua Essentials suggested either Pogostemon Helferi or Sagittaria Subulata. I'm leaning more towards Pogostemon Helferi because it looks like the size of it would suit my small tank as Sagittaria looks like it will be a bit big. Anyway I would love your opinion on it!

Also may change the moss. Not sure Taxiphyllum spikey will grow without pressurised  Co2.

Thanks for reading!
Gone with Pogostemon, it was a no brainer really. :L
You should get some Java Moss, it looks great and grows like a dream :p
Not sure about the shrimp, unfortunately.
Looking good though 
I literally just ordered some. Should be here this time next week so that should give me enough time to see if this current moss will grow :)
Yeah its a bit of a mystery. I'll just have to buy more. :D
Tanks looking good

Shame about the shrimp not sure how many I have left in my 54litre either - can def see one that sits inbetween filter and glass, whether the others have been eaten?

Odd about yours, they may replace for you? Hope the others do ok.

Look forward to more pics!
Thank you Shelster. :)
I'm not too worried about replacement, I'll forget about it and buy them anyway. or maybe if I can get a lift from a friend again, I'll go to Totally Tropical.
I moved the bogwood as it just didn't make much sense being so near the front. So its moved back an inch and to the right hand side. Woooo! -.-
Java moss and Pogostemon should arrive thursday next week. Hopefully there will be some growth. :p
Well got my new java moss, looks great, adds a nice colour of green xD
Pogostemon helferi should arrive tomorrow or the day after. 
Stargrass is growing nicely. I cut the tops of the rotala and replanted them. My tank seems to make the leaves green on top with a fade of red on the bottom which is nice :p
I moved the eleocharis to the front right corner to do as it pleases haha

More good news! :)
The Pogostemon helferi arrived. A bit confusing and annoying to plant but nicely spread now.
And the eggs hatched! :D The fry are so tiny. 4 - 5 hatched so far. Since I don't have a fry tank, I'm going to wrap the filter and let them in to the main tank and hopefully the shrimp won't get them. And hopefully they can scavenge food. Didn't really have much of a plan for the fry so just going to go with it. 

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