30 Lb Gold Fish


Birds just don't know how to follow the rules.
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 28, 2004
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30 lb goldfish caught in France. Just shows the potential that these very common small fish have if treated well, in my opinion.
Thats a beast. Makes you feel sorry for all the ones in godfish bowls not evan half aslong as what the fish should grow to. Ive caught a 4lb goldfish but it doesnt surprise me that they grow alot bigger when there related to carp.
That is a massive koi, but do you reckon that photo's been edited slightly? i.e. they stretched the fish out?
The photo wont have been edited, just the fish is held a lot closer to the camera than what the person is. Its a common trick anglers use to increase the size of their catch. For reference look at the size of the anglers right hand fingers (under the gills of the fish), then compare them to his other hand (near the tail) and rest of his body. You'll see that the fish is held in such a way as to make it seem much much bigger than it actually is.

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