3 'new' Additions To The Family


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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--Edit-- Just noticed I'm logged in as my other half. Posted by Erised ;)

Last year we lost our cat and dog, both due to liver problems and old age. Now, a year later Joyce (my other halfs mum who we live in with) has decided it's time for new pets again. So about a month ago we introduced Rex to the family. He's a (now) 7 month old Border Collie and has got a great personality =) He's settled in really well right away too.

Last week we got 2 cats to complete the family. The smallest one is called Tom (the one on the left and the runt of the litter), the slight bigger one (obviously on the right) is called Toby. They're brothers and 9 weeks of age now. All pets came from a rescue nearby. Also, the kittens eyes have been cleaned since, and the tipex that was used in the rescue to ID them during feeding them has been removed as well :p

The last picture is Misty, our old lady (14) who is still with us and doing a lot better again now there's new companions for her running around the house =)

Rex (he hasn't stayed still for a better picture since):


Tom & Toby (Tom on the left and close up, Toby on the right):



And Misty:
Congrats on the new additions. They are beautiful. I just love those kittens. I've always wanted a border collie. They are probably brilliant with kids, of which we have three. Bet Misty is pleased with all her new pals. Lovely pics, :good: :wub:
You take really good pictures, very clear for closeups. The kittens(very cute btw) must be very happy they have eachother for companions, aswell as your older dog having a new buddy. I always try to have companions for my animals too.
Lovely animals, I love ginger cats and border collies, the two kittens are so pretty but then again so is Misty.
Thanks for all the lovely comments =)

And the 2 kittens do indeed seem to love eachothers company. Really glad we got 2 of them and not just one on his own. They're really never apart. They keep eachother entertained, sleep together, but probably most important defend eachother once the dog gets too close ;)
Wow that are all gorgeous :wub: 2 Ginger kittens ? You are going to have your hands full with 2 little terrors!
gorgeous! no doubt you have your hands full now, border collies are nutters!

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