3 Fish Dead


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Ok, lets get started... i have a 10g tank filtered 2 abino corys now 1 emrald green cory used 2 have a guppie one of the ones that died a danio died 1/3 idk know where the guppie went :blink: i found the cory and danio dead one to the filter the other on the ground guppie swimblatter prob what could of caused this?
Ok, lets get started... i have a 10g tank filtered 2 abino corys now 1 emrald green cory used 2 have a guppie one of the ones that died a danio died 1/3 idk know where the guppie went :blink: i found the cory and danio dead one to the filter the other on the ground guppie swimblatter prob what could of caused this?

Oh dear, I wonder why you have had no replies before :unsure:

Facts are required......Did you cycle your tank before adding fish or did you just buy a tank yesterday, fill it with water and throw some fish in? You see we have nothing to work on here :unsure:

Have you tested the water? What caused this you ask......on what you have supplied here I would say extremely poor water quality but who knows, eh?
Need water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What do you feed the fish.
Any symtoms to go on.
Ok, i got the tank in december i dont have a test kit srry for no awser after a doy :blush: right now i dont have the time or money to buy or got to petsmart to get my water stats all the other fish look fine but his stomach looked redish pinkish like rare steak :unsure: :huh:
Immediate water change and increase aeration.

If you don't have time for your pets you shouldn't be keeping them.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Bacterial med.
Get your water tested.
=( other fish ok i couldnt find any bact med....
Relax... Everyone has a life. When you have plans or other things to do such as work, and unexpected family emergencies, I can understand what that's like...

You are entitled to your opinion.

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