3 Albino Corys With A Betta


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Well I recently got 2 White Cloud Mountian Minnows to add to my 5 gallon tank with my Betta. When I got home from school today I found the female White Cloud died because it got stuck to the filter intake :shout: . I have no idea how that could be because the food flakes swim right past it and never even look like they get any closer when they pass it... Anyways I have 1 male now and I plan to get 3 more and I was woundering would it be a good idea to get 3 Albino Cory cats to go in the tank also.
sorry to hear you lost a wcmm

I wouldn't put the corys in the 5 gal,the tank is too small for them,they can grow up to 3 inches long...
Well I recently got 2 White Cloud Mountian Minnows to add to my 5 gallon tank with my Betta. When I got home from school today I found the female White Cloud died because it got stuck to the filter intake :shout: . I have no idea how that could be because the food flakes swim right past it and never even look like they get any closer when they pass it... Anyways I have 1 male now and I plan to get 3 more and I was woundering would it be a good idea to get 3 Albino Cory cats to go in the tank also.
agree with harlequins the tank is too small for corys.....

also i doubt that the filter killed the minnow, dont forget the bettas common name "fighting fish" they are very hit and miss when it comes to tank mates, i would remove the other minnows and add a few amano shrimps and a nice snail. a nice looking tank and a peacefull tank, what more do you want.....?
Yeah, I knew albino corys where to big for my tank just wanted to hear what other people thought. My Betta gets along fin with the wcmm now lol. I hear a lot of times they just have to get used to each other. I still plan on getting at least 3 more wcmm to add in the tank and I should be getting some ghost shrimp today. If any of yoy guys are looking at getting another live plan for your betta look at the green cabomba. My betta likes them and they grow fast, and the way they grow you can cut it and plant it somewhere else and it will keep on growing.

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