Quick pic - moved the tank and built the stand. Just got cloth to cover it, has a nice easy access flap! Also got a new Albino Bristlenose Pleco - will post a picture of him later
I love the substrate, I might go for that in my 65 gallon tank, it looks fantastic! I have two ABNP, they're so much fun to watch! Sad that one of yours died though.
I planted it with some clippings from my 20 gallon that has gone WILD with plants. I tried introducing new tiger barbs but they were killed off. Most recently, I have added in one GBR and am looking to get another GBR to keep in there as it's mate. Here's some pics of the tiger barbs!
I am super jealous of your tank! It was exactly how I envisioned mine to be, but mine still turned out ok. I'll be using yours as a model next time I redo my tank
(which I often do, I just like keeping myself busy.) Not sure with your current stocking, but I have a few tiger barbs with a convict cichlid, and I really like the look. He has tiger-like stripes too so he kinda looks like a big alpha-tiger. They are super mean though, and it will chase your tigers around....a lot. But tiger barbs are tough and quick enough so they'll be ok. Just a suggestion, cause I noticed you did originally want a convict! They are great fish they have lots of personality.