2400 gal pond finished - NOW WITH FISH :)


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
bexley, kent
pictures here

about 5 weeks ago me and my dad started building a big pond in our back garden.

i should have started diary sooner because its all finished now apart from the fish and the water :p

anyways here are some pictures of the beauty:

the earliest picture i have of the pond... you can see we banked the sides and put the liner in.

pictures here

there is a picture of the waterfall which we arranged suprisingly easy and i think it looks quite good. you can also see some plants we put in, it looks a bit weedy at the moment but it needs to get established. also theres a rather fetching plastic sheet in the pond but thats not gonna be a pond decoration for long :p

theres a picture of the waterfall at night with the rockery light shinning on it which is my favourite

pictures here

theres a more 'cosy' picture of the waterfall where you can see the 70mm!!! return pipe

pictures here

theres a few pics of the machinery keeping this baby clean

pictures here

the pond is filled with water now and is looking very nice.

hope you like...

keep posted and soon i'll have some koi :)

cya soon


p.s. sorry about the copious links but i thought it would help people realise there is a link

p.p.s. pictures here :p
It looks very very good :D
Personally I'd resize the pics 50% as they are very
big and its hard to see the full impact of them.
danio2004 said:
It looks very very good :D
Personally I'd resize the pics 50% as they are very
big and its hard to see the full impact of them.

yeah i was thinking i should resize them... i'll do that now :)

It looks wonderful! You both have done quite a bit of work.
Are there any concerns that the run off from your yard/garden will end up in the pond in a heavy rain?

hmm... that resize didn't work... i haven't really got time to do it tonight so it should be sorted by tommoro night.

in the mean time theres a page of the pics where you can view them as if they werent under a microscope :ppictures here

jams.alaskan said:
It looks wonderful! You both have done quite a bit of work.
Are there any concerns that the run off from your yard/garden will end up in the pond in a heavy rain?

yea we were thinkiong that, but the side of the pond comes higher than the level of the grass and the sides are coated with G4 pond sealer.

if the rain fills the pond, we haven't thought about that but im guessing it will just run off on the grass (which has happened once)

this is our first experience with fish but iv'e got all of you guys with your invaluable knowledge to help us out :p

Thanks for the compliment

Ad try make your pictures smaller,I really want to see it ,when its filled with water,I'm trying persuade my dad to do the same,I just showed him these pictures.
Looks great ad, nice box filter on there, will look fantastic when the water, fish and plants are in, keep us updated. :)
right, pics are updated and i'll have a picture of the pond filled up tomoro night and the waterfall will be going.

coming up to the 6 hour mark now and its v.nearly filled up. spose with all the hot weather people are watering the plants and taking some of the pressure away so its taking a bit longer now.
right my mates site has gone down so i wont have any pics for a few days which is a shame coz it looks really nice with the water in and the waterfall on the go...

stay tuned :p

got the pictures bac kup on my mates site but he said i have to link you to the site instead of having the pics on here to save his bandwidth... (if your reading this dan... :p)

pictures here

check them out if you wish


That links not working for me :( is it for anyone else?

I really want see this pond :/


See these?
Its working now I can see :p

I also want it :wub:
Wonder if dad will dig the garden up mmmmm :whistle:

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