22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

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Ok, hi everyone! Everyone's telling me to get 1 dwarf goumari, and I'm pretty bumed about it. So I will follow all your advice and just get 1 male, but to replace the other one I was gonna get I was thinking about a coolie loach. Will it be happy alone. I know it will be shy and hide, but does that mean it will be unhappy. As long as the little guys happy, I don't rly care if I don't see him. Your all also saying I need more plants for the neons so I'm going to buy more plants and a peice of driftwood so I can get neons. With the 8 neons 5 corys and 1 dwarf goumari would it be safe to get 2 kuhli loaches. If I would be overstocked would 1 be safe and happy?
All my cory catfish are staying at the surface of the tank and only going to the bottom occasionally. I did a lot of research and the reason is my air pump is blowing water at the surface. So i need to get an air stone and connect it to the air pump. I might buy a 2nd air pump to. If its not this are there any other reasons.
All my cory catfish are staying at the surface of the tank and only going to the bottom occasionally. I did a lot of research and the reason is my air pump is blowing water at the surface. So i need to get an air stone and connect it to the air pump. I might buy a 2nd air pump to. If its not this are there any other reasons.
Just a question: are they gasping at the surface, and do they look like they have red gills? if so, they may have ammonia poisoning.
If the filter in the tank is causing slight rippling of the water surface, it's not lack of air. The usual cause is poor water conditions.

Ammonia burns fish's gills so they can't get enough oxygen through the gills. So they go to where there is most oxygen - the surface.
Nitrite binds to the fish's blood and stops it taking up oxygen. The fish feel like they are suffocating so they go where there is most oxygen - the surface.

Cories do dash to the surface to take a gulp of air but they go straight back down again as soon as they've done it. They can get oxygen from the air they've swallowed. Cories staying at the surface is not normal.
Ok, hi everyone! Everyone's telling me to get 1 dwarf goumari, and I'm pretty bumed about it. So I will follow all your advice and just get 1 male, but to replace the other one I was gonna get I was thinking about a coolie loach. Will it be happy alone. I know it will be shy and hide, but does that mean it will be unhappy. As long as the little guys happy, I don't rly care if I don't see him. Your all also saying I need more plants for the neons so I'm going to buy more plants and a peice of driftwood so I can get neons. With the 8 neons 5 corys and 1 dwarf goumari would it be safe to get 2 kuhli loaches. If I would be overstocked would 1 be safe and happy?
Ok, hi everyone! Everyone's telling me to get 1 dwarf goumari, and I'm pretty bumed about it. So I will follow all your advice and just get 1 male, but to replace the other one I was gonna get I was thinking about a coolie loach. Will it be happy alone. I know it will be shy and hide, but does that mean it will be unhappy. As long as the little guys happy, I don't rly care if I don't see him. Your all also saying I need more plants for the neons so I'm going to buy more plants and a peice of driftwood so I can get neons. With the 8 neons 5 corys and 1 dwarf goumari would it be safe to get 2 kuhli loaches. If I would be overstocked would 1 be safe and happy?
I can’t give you any tips unfortunately cause i not smart, but what a can give you is a complement on that IMMACULATE profile picture. 👌👌👍🍣🍣🍣🐱🐱🐱
Medication will often lower oxygen content in which case an air pump can be useful in maximising circulation, but they serve little purpose for everyday use (unless you use an air driven filter of course). As Essjay says lack of oxygen in the water isn't going to be the issue so you certainly don't need a second pump. I haven't used one for decades.
MY LAST INPUT on this matter.

if you want to do a ''quick cycle'' and be ready in days LISTEN to @AbbeysDad if he is still willing to help you.

here is a method of cycling that's quick and efficient .

names changed in below example for privacy purposes

My friend Joe Bloggs doesn't 'cycle' a tank. He's added a fish or two to a 'new' tank WITH PLANTS and lets nature take it's course. Of course with only a fish or two in a 'new' tank, ammonia levels are slow to rise and the plants will use that ammonia as their nitrogen source as the bacteria slowly develops and matures.
I have setup many 'new' tanks by simply 'cleaning' a filter sponge from an established tank in the new tank water. Enough bacteria is transferred to easily handle a few fish.
And then there's the 'bacteria in a bottle' products. Now many still would have you believe these are just 'snake oil' and just don't work. I think this is largely due to when they first came on the scene, they were in fact the wrong bacteria. But since then, largely due to the research of Dr. Tim Hovanec, these products came of age and really can 'instant cycle' a tank (see the interview with Dr. Tim in the article linked above). Now there still may be some issues with transportation and storage but by in large, these products work.

WATCH THIS->Dr Tim on Beneficial Bacteria and Cycling

being totally honest this is exactly how i cycled my own tank added a bacterial starter fed the empty tank

i had fish in on the 3rd day only 3
a week or so after that i bought 3 another 2 weeks after i bought 2 more fish

ive not had one avoidable death

one fish died of Cancer :-(

but all the rest of the gang are going well and its been over 4 months now
I agree - I have 100 gallon tank that I cycled by taking a “hang on back” filter from a 65 and also adding some bacteria. It’s been a while but I think it took a couple days. I’ve got an Oscar, five red hooks and a school of loaches in there. I did a 30 just using the bacteria. I can’t tell if this whole forum is a joke? Some of the comments are ridiculous.
I agree - I have 100 gallon tank that I cycled by taking a “hang on back” filter from a 65 and also adding some bacteria. It’s been a while but I think it took a couple days. I’ve got an Oscar, five red hooks and a school of loaches in there. I did a 30 just using the bacteria. I can’t tell if this whole forum is a joke? Some of the comments are ridiculous.
This is pretty much what I do with my tanks. They all have an extra filter, most also have a sponge filter. So when I’m setting up a new tank I take one of those ‘spares’ and some stability and wait a day at the most.
I agree - I have 100 gallon tank that I cycled by taking a “hang on back” filter from a 65 and also adding some bacteria. It’s been a while but I think it took a couple days. I’ve got an Oscar, five red hooks and a school of loaches in there. I did a 30 just using the bacteria. I can’t tell if this whole forum is a joke? Some of the comments are ridiculous.
That's what I'm saying. Some of these comments are just crazy
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