22 gallon Small river based aquarium journal.

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MY LAST INPUT on this matter.

if you want to do a ''quick cycle'' and be ready in days LISTEN to @AbbeysDad if he is still willing to help you.

here is a method of cycling that's quick and efficient .

names changed in below example for privacy purposes

My friend Joe Bloggs doesn't 'cycle' a tank. He's added a fish or two to a 'new' tank WITH PLANTS and lets nature take it's course. Of course with only a fish or two in a 'new' tank, ammonia levels are slow to rise and the plants will use that ammonia as their nitrogen source as the bacteria slowly develops and matures.
I have setup many 'new' tanks by simply 'cleaning' a filter sponge from an established tank in the new tank water. Enough bacteria is transferred to easily handle a few fish.
And then there's the 'bacteria in a bottle' products. Now many still would have you believe these are just 'snake oil' and just don't work. I think this is largely due to when they first came on the scene, they were in fact the wrong bacteria. But since then, largely due to the research of Dr. Tim Hovanec, these products came of age and really can 'instant cycle' a tank (see the interview with Dr. Tim in the article linked above). Now there still may be some issues with transportation and storage but by in large, these products work.
Lots of starters still don't contain the cyclebacteria, but they do contain bacteria that will keep the levels down for a while and let the natural ones jump in.

In case of an emergency always a good thing.
MY LAST INPUT on this matter.

if you want to do a ''quick cycle'' and be ready in days LISTEN to @AbbeysDad if he is still willing to help you.

here is a method of cycling that's quick and efficient .

names changed in below example for privacy purposes

My friend Joe Bloggs doesn't 'cycle' a tank. He's added a fish or two to a 'new' tank WITH PLANTS and lets nature take it's course. Of course with only a fish or two in a 'new' tank, ammonia levels are slow to rise and the plants will use that ammonia as their nitrogen source as the bacteria slowly develops and matures.
This is what I did. I added a bunch of plants, then added the fish. The fish survived fine and ammonia never went above 0.25. Only 1 fish died because it was injured somehow (not in my home, it was already lethargic in the bag) and I had to euthanize it. I have a happy red-faced school of 11 Rummynoses in a big 55g aquarium. I test every other day as this tank is relatively new. I almost always followed the info given by this forum. These people are trying to help and you are dissing them as if you are very experienced even having only a Betta, a guppy(deceased), and a few shrimp. I don't mean to be offensive but these people are experienced and you should listen to them. Please try to at least LISTEN to the good advice being given on this forum.
Can one of the mods please delete all the messages that aren't to do with my tank, this is meant to be a jou
This has come up before - anyone can post in a journal, they are not intended for just the OP to post in.
Posts by other members will not be deleted unless they break one of the forum rules.
if you want to do a ''quick cycle'' and be ready in days LISTEN to @AbbeysDad if he is still willing to help you.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Here is the referenced article: Cycling a new Aquarium.
As the article points out, Cycling is often made out to be some long involved process that takes weeks and weeks when all that's really necessary is to provide sufficient bacteria and/or PLANTS to process ammonia.
Now that there are fish in it, test your water daily. Monitor the fish for unusual behavior. Be ready to do water changes.
Ok, I'll do that for about a week. Yesterday they were nog very active, but today there very active and happy. I think they were just a bit traumatised yesterday. There the most active little things ever! I'm just a bit concerned about 1. They all stay together and school, but there's 1 cory that's acctally the most active that's only with the school half the time? Are they other corys being mean to him? Thanks for your help. I put old media in :^)
Now that there are fish in it, test your water daily. Monitor the fish for unusual behavior. Be ready to do water changes.
They spend 70% of there life at the bottom of the tank, they are active, is it normal for them to swim in the middle of the tank sometimes. They sometimes go to the top to. I'm most concerned about that the most active alone cory. I'll do daily water changes for a week to be extra safe :^)
They spend 70% of there life at the bottom of the tank, they are active, is it normal for them to swim in the middle of the tank sometimes. They sometimes go to the top to. I'm most concerned about that the most active alone cory. I'll do daily water changes for a week to be extra safe :^)
Test your water. Sounds like there’s an issue.
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