i dont really need to save any water. I have thought about this, but this would give no proof what so ever. I have a bottle of pure ammonia in the house, so i could just add a drop of that in it haha.
Anyway. Scottish Water arrived today. I will save you the rant about what a **** the guy was, but first thing he asked was if i had ever been to a library....oh wait...thats part of the rant
Basically, Scottish Water used to add chlorine to the water, but a few years ago they realised if they added ammonia....yes....AMMONIA!!! then they didnt need to add as much chlorine and they could provide better drinking water!
He explained that if it rains a lot, then their automatic system adds extra chlorine to compensate....which i can only assume means more ammonia! Anyway, obviously the ammoina that has been added previously is small enough for my filter to deal with, but this extra (2 PPM) of ammonia has been too much! He told me Scottish Water would do nothing about it as apparently all library and pet shops have a copy of Factsheet 6 which explains that they add amonia!
I have written to them with reciepts for my fish on the basis that 1 - the factsheet is not circulated well enough (i dont know a single person that knows water is added to your tap water!) and 2- the factsheet states that if you add conditioner, it will be ok (as i said above) but this obviously isnt the case for the 'super chlorinated water' as the guy called it.
Either way, that is £591 of fish i have lost! Yes, i just calculated it! And i doubt i will see any of it again. It makes me just want to buy a dog!