2012 Theorys?

I, can't wait for 2012. I mean, global freak out, get to ROFL at ppl all day. And when ppl realize the earth didn't end, we will all be so relived and the the next day BOOM.

But i really doubt this will happen. I mean, Wouldn't your hand get tired after writing all those numbers? But yeh, party like its 2012!
The magnetic poles are supposedly going to swap aren't they? The estimated date is the 26th December, so its near the end (Duh) I'm personally looking forward to it cos its funny watching people run around like headless chickens at something that probably won't even do much.
Watched alot of dvd's on 2012, Nostradamus, and bible.
For some reason I think I do believe a change is coming.
LOL another one!?!?! I love stuff like this. was watching a louis theroux documentory about hardcore islamists, who proclimated that god would strike down on white people (im not a racist, although watch another documentory about racism, so i have to say i am a little racist, everyone is) and that black people would forever reign ontop, this was for the year 2000. Granted things are up for the black race (btw if i sound racist im really not trying to be) but its no where near what they foretold. IM just wondering what those guys must be thinking in hindsight. did they just pack up 2nd of january? If the worlds going to end, your dead either way, so whats the point, there isnt a point to start off with. Btw im chinese so feel free to have a dig, the smiley faces should be about right :D
This topic has surfaced on a lot of forums I'm a part of. Seems to me that it's a bunch of doomsday crap, like the whole Y2K thing. The only evidence that something has the possibility of happening in 2012 is the fact that solar flare activity will be at a zenith in 2012. With the Earth's weakening ozone layer the chance for something "catastrophic" is higher. NASA predicts that if such a solar flare hits the earth it can knock out the worlds power grid, thus setting us back a few hundred years. (which I personally don't see a problem with) Save for the idiotic people that exist in any type of disaster, looters, murders, a Book of Eli type world. I'm glad I live in the country..... But if I'm going to put any belief in any of this I'd rather stick with scientific fact than something that has no basis in reality, I.E. Mayans, Revelations, Scientology, Mormonism or should I just say religious doomsday theroies of any type.
I don't really believe in any type of dooms day without sufficient evidence
but if there ever is please happen with zombies or mutants or something to that extent
Then I get some fun and target practice before I die
Maybe fish will take over the world in 2012 and revolt against their owners and a giant flood will happen allowing all the fish to reach us and eat our brains,I think I'm getting a little a head of myself :blink:
i seen something on tv about this not long ago, an elder of the mayans was speaking about it and his translator said that he was saying that its the second coming of the gods and the wise ones, he didnt say anything about the actual end of the world, just speaking about the return of these certain people, or perhaps a certain gift given to some people

have a look at this http://youtu.be/hwysQiRaRgE kinda explains it :)
The miyan calender doesn't take 'leap years' into consideration so technical we were dead several months ago!
We're alive!!! :yahoo: :- :drink: :beer: :friends:
I remeber the night of the 2012 thing. the family was all together just in case. We wore bike helmets.... Dunno why. :fun:
TallTree01 said:
We wore bike helmets.... Dunno why.
Is it an Aussie thing?
TallTree01 said:
We're alive!!!

I remeber the night of the 2012 thing. the family was all together just in case. We wore bike helmets.... Dunno why.
The strange thing is, which time zone was it set in? Could have been the 13th for NZ and Aussie :p
But, anyway, it never happened :yahoo:

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