200L To 260L

techen said:
I'd have to remove my angel and find a proven pair. Putting another angel in with him would be terrible and wouldn't end well.
Not always but more than likely yes lol I was gona say this..
Best way is to get 6 juveniles and wait for 2 to pair naturally then rehome the rest. Done this myself in my previous tank.
techen said:
Course I like corys, I had 8 before but a few got infections and it annoyed me silly. You need some really high powered lights and CO2 infections to get a carpet like that though, which I have :B
ps3steveo told me to keep trimming my hydro and it would fill in, but i trimmed it once and never seemed to really take off or even grow back in... i had a tiny ammonia spike when i had my diatom slime attack, so that might have been why..    
I think if you're going to do all hairgrass, you need something to swim close to the bottom of the tank, to show it off :rolleyes: 
Kinda it depends if they want to kick it up.
Might be an idea, I saw my LFS had gold striped corys in. I love the look of them
GASP. Ive never seen any of the striped cories where I am.. you know, i think once you let the hg roots get going, the cories would be okay. my hydro was really going, they never kicked it up or anything, they're really gentle. But again, my cories can't really do any harm haha.

I just think seeing something swimming and rummaging around the hg would be really cool.
Yea, You may get me into corys >:C
oooo, especially seeing bright orange lasers shooting through the hg :angel:
Sadly the plan fell through and he doesn't want to give me the tank anymore >:C
Naw there way too costly for my liking. I'll keep my 200L for now. Maybe look into a nano for some shrimp or something soon.
plant a patch of hg in your tank now. it will make you feel better. Sorry for the news, that's a big bummer. I get pretty cranky when plans fall through.
I have a tiny bit of HG in my tank yes :p

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