200 Gallon Oddball Video


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Thought I would add my underwater camera video of my 200 Gallon. All fish will be in a bigger hom,e in around 6 months but seem to be doing fine in this for the moment. The Clown Knife and the Florida Gar were added to this tank at around 3-4 ". The Knife is now around 16-18" and the Gar touching 10-12". The big Ornate is around 18" and really thick, he is a hell of a fish. Thanks for looking and any critique or suggestions much welcome...Enjoy
Hey nice tank man, what do you feed your gar? And are they easy to take care of? And how big is your fire eel would love to see shots of him.
Sorry the list in my sig is from a very old tank. I don't have those fish anymore. The Gar has accepted pellets from day 1. I got him around the 3" mark, he was tiny. Grew really quickly once I put him in the big tank. He eats anything now I put in. He is easy enough to keep, hasnt had any issues with other fish at all, however he did jump out once, luckily I walked into the room just after so he was ok
So what all do you have now? Just the ones in the video?
So what all do you have now? Just the ones in the video?
Yeah, I have a few other tanks but nothing really of note besides the ones in the vid, the current list in this tank is;
1x Golden Clown Knife
1x Tucan Fish
1x Florida Gar
1x Oscar
1x Datnoide Microlepis
2x Ornate Bichir
1x Endi Bichir
1x Delhezi Bichir
1x Palmas Bichir
1x Synodontis
This will stay the same now until I can move into my fish house and get the bigger tank set up, at this point I may add a couple of P-Bass, a few more Dats and a few more Bichirs. Possibly a schooling fish too.
Im getting a 300 gallon soon and my current stocking is 6 geophagus jurupari, 1 end, 4 ornates, 1 senegal, 1 delhezi, 1 polli, 2 buettikoferi, 1 weeksi, and 3 teugelsi, 2 fire eels, 1 BGK, 4 Synodontis Petricola, 2 synodontis angelicus, 3 synodontis decorus and 1 Redfin Prochilodus. Is this a good stock? more or less?
What are the dimensions on the 300, I would say with good enough filtration it is possible, although it does seem slightly too many. The main problem is most of them are bottom dwellers so the footprint gonna be a lot more important than height
Its 96 x 30 x 25 Tall which is the 300 gallon wide, the tall version is 96 x 24 x 31 Tall. I was going to get one FX6 canister filter, but i can get two of these and hook up a TMC V2 Model 1500 fluidized bed and a Corallife turbo twist 12x/ 36 watt to the other. I can get take one fire eel off the list along with some bichirs and synos. Any suggestions?
Yeah I'd say it best to only have 1 Fire Eel definitely, if you were going to lose any Bichirs, I would probably lose 2 Ornates. They're insanely large when older, mine destroys anything in his path. I'm not sure about the Synos, that would be your choice, personally I wouldn't have that many, but I would definitely keep a few as they should clean up the tank of any uneaten food if nothing else, which is a plus with these kind of fish
I could take my endlicheri off the list, (already have one so ill just see if i can trade him for a delhezi or tgselsi) and getting 2 ornates is find with me, i could just go with 6 synos of same species and i would be ok with that.

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