and there is only one ram so there will be no breeding, so there is a low chance of aggresion still but its worth trying
dont get the frog, it just seems a little too random and if the ram you get is aggresive it will be the first target.
bolivian ram
dwarf gourami
6 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
5 corys
8 ghost shrimp
mystery snail
get the frog. they're an eye catcher. a novelty really. something people are really intrigued by. thats what the whole stocking idea is based on really. I like to throw many living things in the community that arent just traditional fish (loaches, shrimp, snail, frog). Of course, its your call... but i think the frog would look cool.
and by the way, i still think the corys would be the first target if the ram were to get aggressive. they're so active and always invading territory without realizing it.