20 gallon Hex Journal - NEW with pics



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yes i do!

a Clerkii clown pair. or what ever their called. Their the yellow ones with the 3 white stripes. Clean up crew woill probly consist of some red legs, i might get a sally light foot, snails, and i dont know it it's possible but a smaller kind of star.
Hmmm, did you use tap water for this? That could give you big time problems.
Tap water usually contains Nutrients in it that will give enourmous algae blooms or even Cyano.
Most marine keepers use RO water as this strips the nutrients out of the water and makes it harder for nusance algaes to get a hold.


If you live in rural areas, farmers fields with all their pesticides tend to run off into streams etc... whilst this is treated at treatment works this is still running a high risk of contaminating your tank (RO again will remove this).

Lastly, Water companies can and will do regular treatments (like higher chloorine and other chemicals) to remove freshwater shrimps that find their way into the pipes. These chemical can be added without any warning to the consumers. These treatments are just as deadly to marine inverts as they are to freshwater inverts.

RO water is the safest way to keep you marine tank chemical free. :/
the closest place that i can get RO water for is close to Chicago! I'm about an hour or so away from Chicago. My dad just got layed off so I can't get any for around 3-4 months. I would get a RO unit but my parents would quite literaly shoot me if I spent $100-$200 on a thing that strips nutrients out of water.
Ok, well...
People can and do use tap water. Its not ideal and you may well be constantly fighting algae blooms but the tank will work with tap water. Not using RO just makes your job alot harder thats all. :*)
One more week until the LR is added! I am going to the bank today to get a debit card srt up and once thats done I'll have my mom let me use her card until mine comes in so I can get my lighting.

Picked up 7lbs of Figi live rock today. Looks good so far. Haven't spotted any freebees yet but yet again i don't want any really nice anemonae to pop up out of nowhere and die in the 14 watts of light that i have.


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