2 Guppies in 3.5 gallon tank

So, I’ve been thinking what may have killed my previous fish. Starting from the first one, 2-3days after I put it in the tank I noticed it had white stringy thing out of it. Is it poop or parasite? I’ve noticed all of them had white poops 2-3 days before their death. Are they constipated? I also see a red line under its belly, which may have not been there before. Did I get a fish that had parasites in it? I was a little late, couple days in changing water, because I was afraid changing it since last time I did 50% water change and shortly, maybe 2-3 days later one fish died. I’m close to giving up. Any help is appreciated. It’s one mosaic guppy in a tank, this one last lasted the longest out of all of them. Can I add some medication to the tank?
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That sounds like a parasite. Treating it is the only way to save the fish.
I need a picture to tell for sure.
Here are 2, this is the best I could do. If a parasite? This is what happened to the previous fish. (Tequila Sunrise Guppies). Another Mosaic guppy maybe passed to uncycled tank (didn’t know about cycling at the time). This one I’ve had 15 days.


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Fish keeping is super daunting. And ive only had my tanks for a month, no fish in them yet but learning everything is amazing.
Here are 2, this is the best I could do. If a parasite? This is what happened to the previous fish. (Tequila Sunrise Guppies). Another Mosaic guppy maybe passed to uncycled tank (didn’t know about cycling at the time). This one I’ve had 15 days.
Yes sir. Looks like the fish has wasting disease.
If you can get your hands on some API General Cure, that'll clear it tp. Make sure there is no carbon in the tank.
Fish keeping is super daunting. And ive only had my tanks for a month, no fish in them yet but learning everything is amazing.
At least you started off right. I walked in to the store getting my fish and tank the same day. I didn’t know any better and the pet store employee seemed knowledgeable at the time but apparently she didn’t know what I know now.
Yes sir. Looks like the fish has wasting disease.
If you can get your hands on some API General Cure, that'll clear it tp. Make sure there is no carbon in the tank.
I got the meds, hard to find locally. What is carbon? Is it the filter? Take It out and run in? For how long do I keep filter out?
Thank you, I got the heater but I haven’t put it in yet because in Northern California, it’s 90+ F degrees outside and I keep my a/c temperature at 79/80 because of the fish. I have a thick towel around the walls of the tank. I’m afraid the flat heater might get too warm for the fish. I purchased a controllable heater, but that won’t be coming for a while, so I had to pick one up ASAP because I got scared. Right now it’s too warm I feel like to put the heater in because the thermostat (if it’s working properly) shows it’s at 77/78 degrees. I’m going to petco and get 7.5 watts. I’m at a point where it’s becoming slightly over whelming to take care of them because they’re so delicate and I’m constantly worried about them. I’m feeding them once a day. Thank you that’s good information. I got the guppies on the 10th and replaced one on Oct. 12th, the other one 14th. So I have tequila sunrise guppy and dumbo guppy. I do admit now that I see the new tequila sunrise, this one is way more active than the last one, it’s possible it was already dying, but I’m sure not cycling may have done majority of damage. Appreciate all of you guys help.
Get a 10 gallon for those guppies instead. It’s up to you, but it will make them much happier IMO.
Not sure if anyone explained why to remove the carbon. Sorry if this is duplicative. You are so persistent I feel like I must respond so you know why it is neccessary to remove the carbon..

Carbon basically cancels out the medication. It is the material in most of the kits and is what is inside the replacement cartridges.
It absorbs impurities as well as medications. If you leave the carbon cartridges in it will suck out the medication! Hope this makes sense and if I am wrong please someone correct me...or if someone already said that, whoops. :-

(Eventually you will learn that you don't have to replace those cartridges as much as they "reccomend" ).
For now just do the next indicated thing!
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