2.6Ft....time To Scape

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Nice tank, Those gouramis are nice.
Updated pic.....tank is now 9 days old
Update - Due for another foreground trim and stem replant
Ooh I like this
How do u post pictures like that mine r always links to photobucket
jaquiscorpio said:
Ooh I like this
How do u post pictures like that mine r always links to photobucket
Thank you
You put the picture link in between [img*] [/img*]  take out the * part of the code though, i had to add that in to write it so you could see it :)
Its current feral state......its purposely been let go as i want to harvest some plants for the 4ft. Please excuse the algae growth on the glass, not been dosing the tank either. Will all get cleaned up this weekend

*the net is temp holding some BN that are for sale
I like it like that, and I bet the fish do too, My M&F Gourami love just gliding thru the plants.  I bet yours do too. I think the slightly over grown natural look is better than clay castles statues of some deity or other paths that please the human eye rather than keeping the fish happy. You got the knack for this so it should be easy to maintain a " well pruned " tangled jungle look if you know what I mean? And anyway you cant have too many plants lol.
No the fish have no room to swim lol /i'm sure they dont appreciate that much. The tank is here to please my eye, so trimmed it will be, but it will also be fish friendly.
You can have too many plants, and this tank is very much at this stage
Tis time to give this a major clean up and plant trim, so currently all the plants (except foreground) have been removed, a piece of wood has been taken out and now just waiting for the filter to clean up the water a bit before a start to replant.
I also pulled both the tiger lotus from the tank, 1 had outgrown the tank, and the other was not doing well in the position it was in. A suprise though, the large lotus left me a little pup, the pup has also now moved to the 4ft.
i'll update with a pic once its all replanted and settled
That. Is. Amazing. How do you do that? You make all of your tanks look so... Green! And natural.. I'm not jealous.... At all :)
fal3 - Thank you :)  I'm not sure exactly how i manage it. It is something i really enjoy, maybe that helps :) If i can do it anyone can....honestly
So an updated photo

A week and it will lose the replanted look
loving the look! Looks like a forest. Really Nice. And I enjoy scaping, well the few times that I've actually done it anyway. I just don't have the knack that you do
Still motoring along, another trim and replant....slowly filling in
Absolutely stunning, best looking tank I've seen in a while! Not jealous... at all...
This scape is no more....i completely gutted it today.
I didnt realise the timers were not turning the lights off at night (so running 24/7). The foreground had an algae outbreak, so i rescued what HM i could, the rest got binned. The HM at this stage will not be replanted in this tank.
All the excess plants have gone into a spare tank until i decide if i need them or not.
The new scape is in, and nothing like the one above lol
With the major work done on this tank today (most of the day/night actually lol) i will take some pics and add them to a new thread once the tank has settled a bit

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