2 - 55G or 1 x 80G?


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I browse our local classifieds all the time. I already had my heart site on an 80 or 90 from Petsmart, but.....

"5-55 gallon aquariums" is listed in our local nickel ads. I'm going to call on them after I get some sleep and find out the price, maybe a bundle deal????

Well, either or, I would like opinions. Would you stick to the 80/90 or if the price and condition is right, go for the 55's?
I'd probably go for the two 55's. Actually, I'd rather have a 58 - they're more "square" - less long. But you aren't asking about those, so I digress. I prefer small fish, though, so a 55 would be more than enough space for any fish I wanted to get (except Clown Loaches). Make sure a 55 is big enough for any fish you want to get :nod:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
My choice would be a 90 gallon. I think the extra width (6") looks nice. Although having a greater variety of fish with two 55's is nice as well. :/ I got it ... get all 3. ;) :fish:
If you have the room and the cash get all three
if not then I'd go with the two 55's.
You can always set up the two 55's and at a later point upgrade to the
80g, then you can re-sell one of the 55's leaving you an 80g and a 55g :thumbs:
Well I called and here is sort of what was said, so I'm planning a 49 mile road trip on Saturday. [edit 100 mile round trip. :) ]

"I have 5 55 Gallon aquariums and some other sizes and some stands. Are you interested in more than one? If so we can work something out."

Hearing that I'm half tempted to see just what "work something out" means as to how many tanks/stands I can get. :)

I have no clue where I'm going to put them, and I will probably end up dumping my tank outfitting money into the tanks, but I will have lots of tanks. :)
The-Wolf said:
If you have the room and the cash get all three
if not then I'd go with the two 55's.
You can always set up the two 55's and at a later point upgrade to the
80g, then you can re-sell one of the 55's leaving you an 80g and a 55g :thumbs:
Well, the reason I was comparing between 2x55 and 1x80 wasn't space. ;)

I live in a 14x70 mobile home (nice thing is I'm buying so my landlord doesn't have a say. ;) ) and it's just me. :D

I have two empty rooms which I was going to combined into my office. Now I'm measuring to see if I can fit my office in just one of the rooms. ;)

But it does come down to cost. I'm kind of wonder if anyone here might be interested in some tanks.

From the way she talked there are more than just the 5x55 tanks. And besides, I'm not sure what I would do with all 5. She seemed to want to let the whole lot go.

My dad is running me out there since we will need his truck and I have a strange feeling I'm walking into a whole lot more than I bargained for.......

I'm hoping to go out tomorrow, so if anybody would be interested in tanks, either post or drop a pm w/ a size and price and I will check it out.

But aside from that. I think 2x55 is the better option overall as many people have already said, even if I buy new. The 80G I was looking at included just the light for $190 while the 55G at Petsmart include the light hood, tank, etc... for $99.00. Two tanks would probably be better than one. :)
Idaho, I'm going to look at them today and if I pick them up they will be in Boise, ID. :)
14 hours. I haven't been this excited since I purchased my last "major" computer upgrade..... ;)

Leaving to look at the tanks about 9AM tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to work a deal and get "everything". For the gas I hope I do (454 going 100 Milesl :-( ).
Well, leaving now. :) But her comments "They are dusty and dirty but I have about 20 of them." :S Now I am hoping I don't get them all. I don't know where I would put them! :crazy:

I will let everyone know how it goes. I'm hoping for all 5 55G maybe 2 or 3 40G and 2 or 3 20G (and maybe she has a few 10's she might through in. :) )

Gonna have a hard time figuring out where to put that many.
454 going 100 miles? What kind of car is that? :drool:

Am I the only one that votes for an 80 gallon? Just think of all that space for plants! :rofl:

Multiple tanks is always a plus. My dream tank (a dream only because I don't have the room) is a 90 gallon tank. I'll get it someday. :whistle:
I liked the idea of multiple tanks and, besides, I got a pretty good deal. :)

I paid $250.00 for everything plus $30 in gas. Vehicle is an 88 Chevy 1 Ton Single Tire (non-dually) with a 454, my Dad's pickukp since I don't have one. Could never have fit these in a car.... ;)

First, I got myself a quarantine tank - 1x10 Leader
20 1/4 x 10 1/2 x 12 9/16

Then, I got myself my sick tank (I just feel fish need room when sick. ;) ) - 1x29G


Then, what you have all been waiting for. :)
2 x 55G
48 1/4 x 12 3/4 x 21
1 x 45 Long

I also got full hoods for the 10 and 29 and lights (2 x 1 bulb and 1 x 1 bulb) for 2 of the 4 footers.... :)

She threw in two heaters, 1 Whisper back filter (maybe the 10?) and 1 airpump.

I haven't had time to check them out yet.

I also got the stand you see pictured that will hold 2 x 4 Foot but I am going to building my own stands, so that is just temporary. :)

I think I have a lot of clean up work now.... :/
Please ignore the mess..... :( I haven't had time to clean up the house yet before taking pictures. And since today and tomorrow are my cleaning days, but now I have new tanks, I can't decide which is more important to clean... :look:
Wow, you have a lot of work ahead of you :)

I'd clean the tanks and let the housework do its' self :p

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