1st Marine tank

It took me awhile to deside on how i should do the w/c's. Discus need alot of water changes and the more you do the more healthy they will be. The way I think of it is the easier my w/c system is the more I will do.
Vegas Marine said:
Ahhh, my bad.

Well, I know I want a clownfish. There is one at the LFS; can't remember exactly the name of the color, but the white bands are a very pale yellow. He's (she's?) about 3" long and absoultly beautifull!!!
thats probaly a Saddleback Clown or a Bicinctus Clown. i have a percula clown(nemo as some would say) myself and there great little fish and easy to care for.

the tank looks great cant wait to see it fully set up. good luck with it. :thumbs:
Yup, that's the one :D Thanks for the link.

Thanks Nisha. Yeah, it's been my dream too for awhile. As soon as I bought this house 4 years ago I knew I wanted a tank in that corner. I even had the builder put a plug inside the closet for the tank, and had them shore up the shelf to hold the weight.

Finally got it in... :thumbs:
Vegas Marine said:
After that, maybe a powder blue tang and a yellow tang, perhaps.
Little small for tangs isn't it?

Very nice tank though. I was planning on starting a marine tank, had it all planned out an everything, and then I remembered I was only 14, and did not have the thousands of dollars to keep it going :whistle:

Hope you post more pictures later on. :thumbs:
Wow, the water change idea IS good. I'm thinking now about putting together a reef tank... The garbage bin idea is awesome. I'll do the same, put pump in the bin, run hose to tank, or even have it permanently attached! Same goes for draining system. Thanks!

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