1st Marine tank

Vegas Marine

New Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Here's a picture of my 47 gallon tank. I had to order it to fit in the corner. I put a shelf in the closet to hold the canister filter, and put a plug strip in there too for the light, heater and filter. So far, I only have three damsels to help get the tank cycled as recommended by the fish store.


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Looks awesome. Im still tempted to get a marine tank. My g/f is always bugging me to get a nemo lol. I probably wont venture into saltwater tanks for a long time though because I have a Discus obsession.
That' a cool tank, I love the shape of it.
Is that Live Rock in it or is it just base rock?
Are you setting up for FOWLR or a Reef tank with coral and fish?
What kind of lights and filter(s) do you have?

I know I'm being nosey but I'm just curious on what kind of setup you have and your plan for the tank. :D

Hazmat :)
wow that tank is amazing looking and what are you going to stock it with.
Hey, thanks for all the kind words everyone! Wow, what a friendly site, with a nice bunch of folks! ;)

The two larger vertical rocks are base rock, lava with some cool holes that the damsels are already using. I had to epoxy the larger piece to the wall of the tank to get it to stay in place. It does a good job of hiding the filter pick-up tube and gives the fish a good place to hide. The two smaller rocks are live rock, only a pound each for now. I want to see how they do before I put any really big pieces in, at $10/pound, I thought I would "test" some smaller pieces first... :/

I figured I'll try fish only for a year or so. If/when my water levels are looking good, I may try adding some corals. They are soooo cool looking in the lfs! I just don't want to get them now and end up losing them, until I have more experience in the hobby. I'm going to try and get "reef friendly" fish, so adding the coral later will work out. Thinking of a Clown Fish as my 1st "real" fish and going from there. :p

Equipment wise, I have a Rena Filstar xP2 canister filter. I also have a Red Sea Prizm skimmer, but can't use it now as it is a hang on type and the back of the tank is flush with the wall. I am figuring a way to modify it, and mount it inside the closet. The light is Current 24" 65 watt dual element, with a neat blue led "moon" light for when the main light is off.

I know most of you will probably roll your eyes, but my G/F want to do a Nemo tank. Actually, I talked to the guru at the lfs, and he said it's do-able (except the Blowfish). The Morish Idol is a bit hard to keep, but he said a Bannerfish looks almost the same, and are much more hardy.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome, and look for me to be asking a BUNCH of questions. :look:

Ahhh, my bad.

Well, I know I want a clownfish. There is one at the LFS; can't remember exactly the name of the color, but the white bands are a very pale yellow. He's (she's?) about 3" long and absoultly beautifull!!!

After that, maybe a powder blue tang and a yellow tang, perhaps.

Just want to make sure I stay reef safe, as I want to add some coral in a year or two.

G/F still want the Nemo tank, so who knows...

Looking at the LFS, and asking questions is half the fun for me! :thumbs:
nice setup! :thumbs: i was thinking about a marine tank but i realised like floridafishguy that my obsession with discus takes up too much of my time atm but im still learning about marine tanks so I should'nt go into them yet

Nice tank. Let me know how your first experience is going. Iv been thinking about marine, but It seems to be so much more work than fresh.
Great tank! I want to go marine too. My only fear is water changes. It would mean I'd have to go back to using buckets I heard... :eek:
You dont have to use buckets inless the tank is upstairs or something. When I get my Discus tank they will require a daily water change. I will have a gravity system to drain the tank. To fill the tank there will be a 45g trash can with aged water in the garage with a mag drive pump and all I will have to do is turn on the pump and put the hose in the tank. Thats water changes made easy.

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