19 Gallon Nano Diary - New Corals And Fish Etc

Ok got ya... it's pretty smallish as it's arms aren't very pronounced....any diagnosis on Mr Crab (named spike by my mum)
G Smithii. Does not come close to a peacock. We dont get Peacocks in aussie LR.
Definitely a gorilla or rock crab of some sort. Will be an opportunistic crab for sure. Any small fish that gets lazy too close to it will prolly end up not long for this world. Far more dangerous than the G. Smithii IMO
Well the Crab has actually died I gather it starved because it was ignoring any algae or bristleworms or shrimp so it just kind of died.... it could also be the water conditions as the rock would be slightly curing & it's not RO water but many bristleworms a crab a shrimp & Mantis Shrimp are still alive and well in the tank so Im not sure but in a way I doubt anyone would want the crab anyway so I may of had to kill it anyway
Are you sure its a dead crab and not just its Exo. When they shed it looks jut like the real crab, they just unvip and walk away..lol
The top half of the shells tends to lift off so they can climb out. It would go into hiding if he had just shed for a few days until his shell hardens off.
no im pretty positive because when I used some tweezers to take it out it was heavy...& I swear I saw it move yesterday when in that position but was only slight movement...Good point though & there are five pieces of LR to hide in...

Also the Mantis shrimp is alive & well & two people in Melbourne have said they want it if I catch it
I got my mantis out by dipping the rock in RO water , they ran screaming like you wouldnt believe :)

yeah but that causes great osmotic shock which can kill lots of things including things that you want and may kill the mantis.....
The thing is clicking like crazy all the time...click click click all night...it's about the only visible (well audible) alive thing in the tank as in hitch hikers... this won't be a fun thing to catch when I do....lol
Hi again :D

Haven't been posting due to end of year exam prep but YAY a local aquarium within 10 minutes of me now has RO water and is opening a marine store next door to it's fresh water store

mantis shrimp I think is still alive but I don't know haven't been able to watch but the rock doesn't look as good as it did but there is still some colour in the rock
Well I got a ammonia test kit, now my local aquarium has RO water and are getting marine fish...my ammonia was 0...not a trace which while not the best thing to do I would assume Nitrite would be 0 to going by the amount of time the rocks been in the tank for...and I believe the mantis shrimp is still LOITERING around in my tank as I occasionally hear a click click click....do they eat algae??

I have no idea how to get this mantis shrimp out and if I do take it out my LR will stay cycled right??
At the moment I have to catch my mantis shrimp....not going to be fun I need to get a bait to use in my homemade trap and hope it works!!

For stocking i'm thinking a Blennie of some sort, a fire goby and maybe a sexy shrimp & porceline (mispelt) crab

Just a thought any suggestions for a ten gallon long tank

Photos will be up soon

They are the fish which interest me most so far.... any suggestions on a combo of those?

Tailspot blenny

Neon Goby

Fire Goby

Wheelers shrimp goby ----maybe

Royal Gramma

Falco Hawkfish

The mantis shrimp hidey hole has been found...now I need to catch the thing!!!


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looking at the tank and stock what sort of fish should I go for?

Tailspot blenny

Neon Goby

Fire Goby

Wheelers shrimp goby ----maybe

Royal Gramma

Falco Hawkfish

any suggestions for a ten gallon tank
Issue: I don't know if my mantis shrimps alive or not as I haven't seen it for over a month and have not supplied food, there are only a couple of small tube like things on the LR that seem to be alive but thats it.... I searched high and low for it today in the LR and couldn't find it

Another issue...since there are no visible worms, snails, crabs shrimp etc alive in the tank...would the tank still be cycled?? I tested for ammonia and there was 0ppm and there is growth on the LR but nothing visibly alive except for this one tube thing....

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