19 Gallon Nano Diary - New Corals And Fish Etc

Having inspected my lights... It looks like the fixture for my marine is a T5 Aqua One fixture... but also my reflector (longer and more powerful seemingly) on one of my fresh water has T8 Globes but the model I think says T5 (very faded all I can see is a thing that says Model: then this just about impossible to see 5)

I think I might get strong globe because I cannot afford a new fixture which supports multiple globes
I keep hearing very loud clicking after the lights are out on the tank. I know for a fact there is a green and black coloured shrimp in there, how loud are pistol shrimps?

Im afraid there may be a second Mantis..... Oh and my arc eye has injured his eye I believe trying to force his way into a small hole, it looks like he has popped the lens of his eye it's gone white the lens over his eye but the pupil etc is still coloured
Well my first real set back has happened with whitespot starting.

My arc eye hawkfish injured his eye somehow in the past couple of days.....and because of it has caused whitespot to become apparent.... only small amount of spots. So, I have moved him to a 5 gallon tank with some LR, a powerhead and heater and left my domino in the large tank with the LR. The damsel is healthy and showing no signs of any issues whatsoever. Im going to try lowering the salinity of the tank (5 gallon) slowly each day to below sea water level, hope that it works.

Yesterday I moved the tank but the temp or any water specs didn't muck up because I had large tubs with heaters etc and the move was trouble free......

It's annoying because the arc eye had no issues but in one of it's adventures in the tank has hurt his eye and that causes my first disease... bugger
The Arc Eye has improved and I'm not sure he has whitespot.

Last night I saw a very long 6" plus Hawaiian Orange Fireworm, quite impressive, now the dilemma to remove or not
Only need to remove the fireworm if you want to keep mushrooms or zoanthids, otherwise it'll prolly starve to death eventually without prey.

That damselfish will probably survive thermonuclear war, it laughs in the face of petty parasites like ich :lol:
my arc eye had shown significant improvement leading me to believe he never had whitespot (i took him from the tank as a precaution as I thought I saw whitespots on him which weren't there a few hours later.)

So I put him back into the main tank and after two was improving, wake up this morning and he has severe whitespot...

I need help with this....as I have the domino damsel in there aswell should I quarentine and use hyposalinity?
The damsel is gone now, a firefish goby takes his place and an elegance coral and a couple of anemone (came on the LR...I didn't buy them)

There is also two of the worms I discovered






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:blink: page 8 has the new photos... this photo wouldn't fit with the rest


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Oh and I discovered what I thought were just ordinary little growth in the tank are infact small zoas, I found this out because under my coral blue light globe they "colour up" for want of a better term.
I managed to get a Rainfords Goby (Court Jester Goby) for $40.... They are from my understanding VERY hard to get in Aus and the only reason I got one was because my local Aquarium couldn't think of fish to order so they told there supplier put in the order some fish they only got one of etc

I have been after one for some time... he has settled in very well and my firefish and he swim around with each other and live in the same bolt hole

I'd still love a yellow watchmen goby some day....
When I look at my lights... it seems they aren't even close to being proper being I think just your standard reflector with a reasonably good globe and at night the blues...which aren't really blue but purple... With this I have a elegance coral and a brain coral in the tank, the brain coral for well over 3 months, and as yet have had no issues in fact the brain coral (closed brain coral) has never looked better and the elegance is rarely closed and I've had it for a few weeks. I'm confused...

Now... I found a Aiptasia, it has appeared out of nowhere today, just a small one has appeared, whats my best method of elimination?
In Australia? Peppermint shrimp, or pull the rock and blowtorch that little pric anemone

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