
Hmm how big is the puffer?
If it is small I would stay away from larger foods like shrimp until it is bigger or it will be wasted on it.
I would either give it a few snails during the week (puffer dentistry as well as a meal) as you know it eats those, or start it on live brine shrimp (should love them).
Also how can you be allergic to bloodworm :blink:?
i am alergic to bloodworms too but i still feed my puffers them.i just try not to handle them as long and if i do handle them too long i just wash my hands with hot water and soap.works well.
A general note on feeding Puffers is their mouth is usually similar in size to their eyes. (crazy aint it) take that into consideration when feeding.

Id just buy live bloodworm, you dont need to touch it then. Just pour the bag through a net draining the water off, then dunk the net into the tank and let the feeding frenzy take place.
crustacians are an essential part of a Puffers diet, helps keep the bill trimmed down. My Salivators go nuts for any live foods, bloodworm, brinshrimp, tubifex etc. The frozen type is nearly as good and you can put it in a sealable tub so no interference with the human foods :)
crustacians are an essential part of a Puffers diet, helps keep the bill trimmed down. My Salivators go nuts for any live foods, bloodworm, brinshrimp, tubifex etc. The frozen type is nearly as good and you can put it in a sealable tub so no interference with the human foods :)

In my experience, I have never heard of someone who has kept a DP with an overgrown beak, they are one of the species least affected by it. However, varying the diet with puffers is key, and feeding different foods never hurts.
It was more a generalisation for all puffers, but you are correct :)
There are loads of other frozen foods you could use, brineshrimp or daphnia for examle, or you could collect (or breed your own) live foods.
My DPs like live Daphnia but their favourite is still snails of all sizes, big or small :drool:

I mainly feed them frozen bloodworms and occasionally snails.
there's a guy on here named puddle_inc that sells snails; i think he's got a pretty decent price on them too. if your brother gets a couple dozen of the smaller ramshorn or pond snaills, then that should be enough to get a colony started in the tank. he'll probably have to get more as time goes by in order to keep up the baby-making, but typically once you get the snails started, they aren't easy to stop ;) of course, whatever tank the snail's are in should have a chunk of limestone or some shells added to it in order to prevent erosion of the snail shells. don't add too much or the hardness will go through the roof, but a small piece should be helpful.
Just go to the LFS and ask them to pick out some snails from their tanks. I've never come across an LFS that isn't all to happy to donate snails to a hungry puffer.

Just make sure it's a good LFS with really clean tanks so you can minimise your risks of bringing home a disease for your fish.

That's really good news :hyper: ..... so I guess the wife is happier to see brine shrimps around then LOL

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