180L Planted Tank

There very unplayful tetras when it comes to themselves. Also they have a habit of eating the rest of your fish food.
Stunning tank as per usual :D
Quick video 
Looks like plenty of activity!
Are you going to be adding anything else or is it fully stocked? :)
I can see why cardinals are so popular ;) From my experience there is too much current for the gouramis to be happy.
Looks fantastic, love all the Cabomba. The only thing I'd do now is take out those rocks and replace them with some driftwood or some other type of rock, I think they stand out a tad too much.
hobby5 said:
I can see why cardinals are so popular
From my experience there is too much current for the gouramis to be happy.
Believe it or not there glass surfing. There is no high flow in the tank, This was a day after being added and of course they flew around till they got settled
508 said:
Looks fantastic, love all the Cabomba. The only thing I'd do now is take out those rocks and replace them with some driftwood or some other type of rock, I think they stand out a tad too much.
There's a fair bit of wood in there at the moment. So am not entire sure what am going to do with that side.
Believe me for breeding they don't like flow at all. I can see the the cabomba moving in the current, also the surface is agitated. They might find a spot calm enough in the right corner of your tank, or not.
hobby5 said:
Believe me for breeding they don't like flow at all. I can see the the cabomba moving in the current, also the surface is agitated. They might find a spot calm enough in the right corner of your tank, or not.
Filter is under 1000lph and that's the only filtration in the tank. Any less and they'd be dead spots in the tank and plant growth would die off. I never breed fish so there is no issue for me.
Another update, Cleaned up a tad. Added a different brand of root tab:

Removed rocks at right and replaced it with more wood:

This plant I bought at pets at home is doing well as well and I've never really seen anything like it.

Its name is Myriophllim I think...
I like the rock to wood change :) Lovely new plant! Is it easy to grow or?
Yes it is however it requires medium light omo

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