18" Cube Journal


Fish Herder
Mar 9, 2006
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I thought i would start a journal for this project I have spent a lot of time researchng my plans for this tank and have started on the work it will act mainly as a QT and Frag tank might invest in a breeding pair of something not sure yet, The idea is to build this as if it was a bigger tank so when I do upscale to bigger tank I will have all the experince with sumps etc.

I decided to go with an 18" cube due to space restrictions plus much more than 18" deep I end up with soggy armpits which is no fun for me nor for my stock at a guess ;)

I managed to get the glass tank for a very good price from Wharf aquatics I have had it drilled to take a 20mm pipe this limits the turn over using the sump but it will also be hopefully silent if pipe is full of water.
I have gone with a modified durso to reduce space used by weir.

I bought the tank with no weir as i wanted to make it as small as possible I have measured up and ordered the glass for the weir still need to do something for combs.

I picked up a cabinet from a mfi clearance place for a very good price but it had draws these draw fronts have been converted into a door.

I have a sump design in mind 50% will be a refegium 25% main inlet (some will be tapped off into refegium) will be used for the skimmer, The remaining 25% will be baffled off for a return chamber

Return pump will be a maxi jet 1200 this should provide more than enough flow even if only 50% effcientency will T piece off with a ball valve to feed any excess back to skimmer chamber.

Skimmer will be a V2 nano but bay should be bigenough to do most nano skimmers that is

Lighting will be done by a DIY LED project as the other options for lighting this size tank is limited Will mount these on a luminare type bracket will post more details on this as they progress.


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I have to ring Paypal, now, they have completely blocked my account despite sending me the postal verification. Not impressed with them at all.

They will be shouted at severely tomorrow.
I have to ring Paypal, now, they have completely blocked my account despite sending me the postal verification. Not impressed with them at all.

They will be shouted at severely tomorrow.

Tina, you had too much morphine babe, that was a bit random! You ok?

Seffie x


That tank is looking really nice - looking forward to following this thread and hearing all about the sump etc.

Seffie x

Hehe Tina is selling me a skimmer once her paypal is working again :nod:
Sorry to anyone else that did sound really random. :lol: I am selling my V2 Nano Skimmer, no use for it now the sea horses will be part of the 6ft. :D Was the only reason I had not sold it beforehand.

They are sorting it for me, 24 - 72 hrs I should get an email saying I can now log in and verify my address.

It took an age to get through to a real person though, BEWARE, if you ever need to ring paypal, its a voice recognition machine. It does not like swear words and you end up going back and forth between the menus to find which option gives you that REAL PERSON.

Will keep you updated.
Had a busy weekend so far so some pictures to share ;)


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Have mocked up my sump just need to do a diagram together and get a quote or 2 ;)

And the first mock up for my LED setup got the heatsinks in place will try with 12 LEDs first will add 6 or 12 more if needed :)


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Wet test day 1 lets hope my sealing job was upto it or might have an indoor paddling pool ;)


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hood Mk2 little worried about spill out at the front




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Pans on this tank is mainly a zoa/yuma/ric garden + rehoming my sun here + a any nice LPS I see going ;) inverts blood shrimps + CUC then I want a breeding pair of somethings ;)

The hood atm is modeling cardboard have ordered black acrylic to do the hood with.

all electronics ordered for LED test bed will document the testing and build.

trying to get a quote for the sump as well some "intresting" prices so far :p

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