17/1/2012 Spawn Log

2 Weeks Old:
The fry turned 2 weeks old yesterday, all are still growing nice and healthy.
Dorsal and anal fins are now visible.
They are still being fed on BBS 3-4 times per day, with the occasional microworm feeding at night, along with daily water changes.
Still looks to be around 80+ fry :D


Thanks everyone :)

And I changed my username as I didn't like my old one anymore :lol:
3 Weeks Old:

The fry are 3 weeks old today, all doing very well :D
All are healthy, growing nicely, fins are getting bigger, starting to show their ventrals, and some are taking their first gulps of air :wub:
A fair few are showing tiny bits of colour on their fins, blue and purple mainly.
Also noticed that some of the bigger babies are showing their ventral fins now too :D




duuude so many bettas lol i wish bettas where like reptiles as id put the temp on the girl setting and keep them all lol
There are so many! This has been a very healthy bunch of fry, only had about 10 dead which isn't too bad. :)
There are so many! This has been a very healthy bunch of fry, only had about 10 dead which isn't too bad. :)

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