
i have seen a green and purple betta in my lfs in the summer. and not dull colours either! nice bright colours :wub: i wish i had bought it :(
thats a crowntail init? x
I actually saw one very similar at my Petco...wish I had gotten him *sooo pretttyy*

wheres the best place to get nice looking bettas like this? or is it just luck of the draw in finding one at your local lfs?
I have a reverse mustard gas veiltail, I wish these beauties were easier to find. :)

My betta's a little similar. I wish I could get him to flare up but he's a real softy. He won't even flare next to a mirror!


The one there is beautiful, though~!! How much was he going for?
Yea that ones gorgeous, and its not just his color pattern its the fact that he's big, strong, and a CT. Him being a CT sets him apart from say a HM of that same exact colors because it looks even more wild. How much is he going for?

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