140 (uk) Gallon (Page 8 & 9)

And with the bubbles on!


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I love your tank. It is beautiful, and I would absolutly love one like that. :thumbs: Well Done.

I love the bubbles on too, I know it sounds stupid, but how do you do that? :*)


:whistle: Hi Steph, thanks for your comments, All you need is bubble pipe, all LFS should sell it. We use the light blue tube, can't remeber what it is called, they sell it in all sorts of lengths, with weights to keep it down. You can buy 1" to 48". We run 2 48" joined together. Then all you need is an air pump, which again come in different sizes. The best ones IMO, are the interpet Airvolutions, we run a No 3 depends on the size of your tank.

PS the tube is flexible so you can run it where you like, hope that helps.
Thats great, thanks for the info. I think I'm gonna get some bubbles sorted, its something I've always liked cause it looks so nice.

Thanks again


:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
I love your tank absolutely stunning and you are an amazing aquascaper!!
If only i could win the lottery then i could have a tank like that and a TV that big!!

FOTM for the picture of the ruby (Bolivian) ram thought that was a great photo with him being framed by the wood !!
I agree with the others your tank is amazing, I hope to get one like that, but I'm sure it wont be for a long long time, you have done it out so well, I love all the wood.
be sure to add anymore photos if you have them.

Im new on this but i gather TOTM means tank of the month, I haven't checked out the other tanks on this forum yet to see who I think should win, but you might see me back here soon!

keep up the great work guys.
:cool: :kewlpics:
Looks great to me. Just get some more fish. Layer the tank real nice for lots of life at all water levels.
Can't believe I've only just noticed this thread!! First off, thet is a great tank, and thouroughly deserves the noms it's had. I'd nom it if it was worth it, but since you already have about 5, it would be a waste!!!
Second, that is the exact tank I was looking at and drooling over this weekend. It was selling for £1000 including the stand (If you paid less than this, can you tell me where from, if you paid more; Sorry!!!). How do you find it for ease of access etc, as I'm planning on getting the smaller model (£880 in the LFS I saw them in) early next year. I was looking at the Juwel Rio 400, but when you compare them to these Rena's, they look a little lacking!!! The Rena is a class above!!!
We picked it up at £1000 there was it should have been about £1300 if I remember right.
Thanks for the lovely comments! Ross has to stand on a chair to get into it, and there really isn't that much room unless you take all 4 of the lights out! He's got the water changes down to a fine art now, we bought a pond pump too, to pump the water back into it, its a life saver!!!
One of the best tanks ever shown on this forum! :eek:

Personally i prefered it with the bubbles of though. Do you still keep those large silver-like fish (no idea what their english name is), I couldn't see them in the last 2 pictures.
They are Tinfoil barbs and yes we still have them, only they have been moved to another tank because one of them ate one of our ottos, our local LFS are keen to have them for one of their large display tanks, so we are considering our options for them (but atleast we would still be able to go and see them) be sad to see them go though as they were only about an inch when we got them! but we know we have to do what best for them. :(
Thanks for that. I've just found one on ebay (the right size I'm looking for!) but dunno if I've got the cash right now. They are great looking tanks though!!!

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