140 (uk) Gallon (Page 8 & 9)

i dont think the tank needs to be in TOTM :angry:

its alredy won ;) :p

i loev the tank and everything, great parrots!
lasawyer said:
Cheese Specialist said:
lasawyer said:
we are on the look out for plants that the barbs wont eat, we must have spent a fortune on plants, but within a day of putting them in they are all eaten!! little buggers!!! any suggestions???????? its a big problem!!!! :rolleyes:
My barbs don't eat the plants in my 4ft tank. I have a few in there (not sure of names at mo, could find out if you like) but one of them is my favourite. Vallis. Genius plant!! Grows like nothing on earth (including making new plants) and looks great IMO!
Thanks for your reply, would really appreciate it if you could find out the name, or maybe post a pic, so we can try and identify them. ;)
Look at the 160l pictures in my signature :D I have about 3 pictures that are a month apart (the dates are on them) so you can see how well they are growing (I know nothing about plants, have a crap light and don't feed them).

I could have a look at the site I ordered them from (Java) to get the names for you.
Here's the picture I meant to send, rather than the last one, :huh: which I had already sent!!!


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The fish love it! there are loads more caves for them to hide in, we are going to add a couple more bits of bog wood when we are able to find some more good bits! it'll be like a playground for them then!!! :)
Very nice :kewlpics:

In the last pic you can see just how big those tinfoil barbs are! They look great :)
That tank is amazing - really very very nice. How long does it take you to do a water change?
Definately the nicest tank I have EVER seen - amazing choice of fish and decorated to perfection!

If you don't mind me asking where did you buy the tank and cabinet from and how much was it?

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