Fish Crazy
P.S The tank is a rena aqualife 201cm width 70cm high 50cm depth, and they are Tin foil barbs, rather large ones at that!
Garbodude, Thanks very much for the advice, will have a look at the weekend for some new plants.garbodude said:not sure with your species exactly but i find java fern and different species of anubis dont get munched
My barbs don't eat the plants in my 4ft tank. I have a few in there (not sure of names at mo, could find out if you like) but one of them is my favourite. Vallis. Genius plant!! Grows like nothing on earth (including making new plants) and looks great IMO!lasawyer said:we are on the look out for plants that the barbs wont eat, we must have spent a fortune on plants, but within a day of putting them in they are all eaten!! little buggers!!! any suggestionsits a big problem!!!!
Thanks for your reply, would really appreciate it if you could find out the name, or maybe post a pic, so we can try and identify them.Cheese Specialist said:My barbs don't eat the plants in my 4ft tank. I have a few in there (not sure of names at mo, could find out if you like) but one of them is my favourite. Vallis. Genius plant!! Grows like nothing on earth (including making new plants) and looks great IMO!lasawyer said:we are on the look out for plants that the barbs wont eat, we must have spent a fortune on plants, but within a day of putting them in they are all eaten!! little buggers!!! any suggestionsits a big problem!!!!