120L Juwel Lido - 'eternal Cycle'

How are the fish doing , are the rainbow ok? If you do have 7 males are you going to get any females
I'm keeping a close eye on the remaining threadfins.  There are two adult males who seem to be doing fine and five juvenile males who are looking less confident.  If I see any further signs that they can't cope with the flow in my tank then I will regretfully return them all.
I was going to buy more females to ease the pressure on the original lone female but now that she's gone I may just keep it males only.
The harlequins have been extremely active, racing from one side of the tank to the other and schooling tightly.  They seem to be gradually calming down and acting less manic but still need time to settle in.
Is it not possible to adjust the flow output on your external filter?
Some Externals have control valves where you can adjust flow, my TetraTec External has this but I don't know about Eheims though.
All males Threadfins should be absolutely fine, just means you won't see as much natural behaviour when they are around females, I have seen my males give very impressive displays of flaring to females. Really enjoy watching this when it occurs 

The ideal ratio of males to females for Threadfins being 2F : 1M, if you keep your current number of 7 males would mean you'd need 14 females............
Harlequins do sound like they are really active wee fish, maybe they just need a little bit of time to settle down being in a large tank compared to where they've been in tiny LFS tanks
The filter isn't easily adjustable although I could re-position the spray bar.  The adult males have shown no signs of struggling yet but I'll keep observing and adjust if necessary.
Charlie where do your threadfins sleep?  Mine seem to be trying to sleep up at the top of the tank where the flow is strongest!  I'm used to my platies who always head down to sleep in a calm, secluded spot at the bottom of the tank.
My threadfins sleep pretty much in all areas of the tank.

They do have funny sleeping position though, sort of at 45 degree angle downwards, very calm and serene :)
Don't know if that's normal or not with most fish!

Perhaps an idea if you have trouble with flow and cannot adjust Ehwim filter is to enlarge the holes on the spraybar. That's one option I did for GF's nano tank spraybar, does work very well to lessen flow output. Just an idea anyway. :)
Quick update on the fish - the 7 threadfins and 6 harlequins all seem healthy.  The harlequins have calmed down and are eating very well.  I haven't really seen the juvie threadfins eat very much and that's my only remaining concern.  There was plenty of infusoria in the tank though so perhaps they've been filling up on micro-beasties without me noticing.
All of them are spending the whole time in the top 1/3rd of the tank while my platy is staying out of their way down near the bottom.  I'm actually very glad now to have platies because otherwise I'm sure the bottom half of the tank would be deserted!  I like to watch him exploring all the hiding places and enjoying the plants in the tank, whereas the harlequins and threadfins are staying mostly up in open water.
I'm having problems with my monosolenium tenerum - in the space of a week it's gone from lush green to melted brown and I'm not sure why.
Threadfin sometimes take little longer to start eating, took my threadfins a few days before started eating.
When they are settled and happy they are proper pigs at mealtimes! 

I feed Hikari Micro Pellets and they like these. Frozen BBS is pretty good as well.
Would not really recommend frozen mini bloodworms as I have my doubts about this since 2 of my thread fins shortly had problems after feeding bloodworms and unfortunately lost them, so I no longer feed bloodworms.
Hope these little tips helps a bit for you.
Thanks for the tips Charlie!  I've been trying different foods and I've seen them trying to eat and spitting a lot out so perhaps they're just adjusting to new foods.
Also I popped into another LFS today and noticed they have a tank full of male threadfins - not a female in sight.  Perhaps they think the females don't sell?  This could explain why I got a ratio of 7:1...
Pic from today. I think the moss needs a trim!
Also see the monosolenium tenerum is dying back - no idea why

Wow Daize!!!!! What a beautiful tank!!!
I've been looking for a moss to try on the new twiggy pieces I've added in my 60g, and I'm def going to have to get some taiwan moss! My java moss is just not cutting it...
I fully agree that all the silver fish compliment this tank wonderfully. I've been thinking about rainbowfish too, I really love these threadfins!
I think you should enter for TTM :good:
Thanks for the comments Greenmumma! I'd honestly love to enter this tank into TotM and it's really kind of you to suggest it, but I wouldn't feel happy until it's matured and the plants have filled out. I have a vision of a great bushy mass of ferns and much more plant mass around the rocks and that will take time since it is so slow-growing. If I can keep the plants healthy and achieve that vision then I will feel I've succeeded! Right now the failure of the monosolenium is a big disappointment to me.

If you're looking for a sexy moss I'd suggest Spiky - at least, that's what all the pro aquascapers seem to use!
Christmas is another good alternative.

Glad you like the fish. They've all settled in just fine and eating healthily now, I only lost that poor female threadfin. I feel quite sad for her, I don't seem to be having much luck keeping male and female fish together - I either get too many babies or seriously harassed females. Despite the loss of natural display behaviour I think it would best if I don't get any more females. It can be my sausage-fest tank
(pardon the phrase!)
daizeUK said:
 It can be my sausage-fest tank
(pardon the phrase!)

I'd have to agree that you should enter this tank for TOTM when you feel it's ready. I sure would vote for this tank 
Thanks, Charlie. You've been a good friend to me and everybody else on this forum :friends:
Great job on the tank, I absolutely love the wood centerpiece! The threadfins and harlequins complement the tank perfectly!
Thanks CoryFever!
I've got some new anubias plants to put in there, I'm not sure they're quite the exact species I wanted but they're the best I could get.  I'll get another pic once I've got it looking nice again (moss is well overdue a haircut! :look:)

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