Added stock today: 6 harlequin rasboras and 8 threadfin rainbowfish. Oh and one male platy from my other tank!
I can't get very good pictures of the fish with my camera, they're always blurred and the colours don't seem to come out right but here's the best pics I could get of the threadfins. I can't get close up pics of the harlequins they're way too fast!
I'm really loving the rainbowfish. They're so delicate with beautiful subtle colours. Within five minutes of being introduced to the aquarium the males were treating me to a spectacular territorial display. I think I have to agree with you Charlie; threadfins are my new favourite fish!
After a few hours I began to get concerned about the smallest threadfin who had started hanging out alone near the surface. She was there for nearly an hour and I began to think that something must be wrong with her. Then I realised... she's the only female! It looks like I've got 7 males and only 1 female and she is trying to get away from the males! They were all over her as soon as she came down, poor thing. I should have paid closer attention in the shop but the assistant seemed to think I had a good mix of males and females so I didn't think to check.
When my husband got home he looked at the fish and said, "Is that what all this effort has been for? They're all silver!"
I'm sure he just loves to wind me up. He has got a point though but I think the subtle silvery colours work well in this tank. I don't think that brightly coloured fish would work but I can't explain why.
You're right about the platy as well Charlie, ideally I wouldn't have selected platies to stock this tank. They're too stocky to complement the delicate threadfins well. It's a practical issue rather than aesthetic, I need to separate my platies to stop them breeding! I can't take any more!
I really hope the fish are all happy in their new home. I'm always nervous the first few nights that something will go wrong!