110G Project!

Gorgeous cabinet ... very well done! This is a great project from the start. Looking forward to photos with the fish in!
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm so keen to put the fish in, just to watch them go "holy crackers! There's so much room!"
Tank is starting to cycle already :D
If you work maybe the accident was gift to give you some time off with your new tank at the rear enders expense :D. Although i dunno if muscle spasms are worth it.
Beautiful tank and cabinet! :good: Love your Husky too. I used to have one and he had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen! Keep us updated!
Although i dunno if muscle spasms are worth it
Muscles spasms are def not worth it! In a world of pain today. But I figured, if the tank survived the accident then it was meant to be!

Beautiful tank and cabinet! Love your Husky too. I used to have one and he had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen! Keep us updated!
Thankyou! It's great to get such positive feedback! Especially when you put alot of effort into it :) I bet his eyes were stunning. I orginally wanted one with blue eyes. But Diesel has the most amazing Amber eyes. And when the afternoon sun hits them, they look like they're glowing - a little off putting haha.

Will keep you all updated! :)
what a beautiful looking setup! really love the stand!! did you stain or varnish it at all? may have been worth sealing in somehow as you'll have water getting on it im sure... maybe not though... still looks great :good: cant wait to see it with some fishies in there.
gorgeous husky, and gorgeous tank!! would absolutely love a setup (and husky) like that one day :D
hope you're ok after the accident, i have to have a lot of physio and it REALLY helps, so good luck! :)
Fishy friend2, on 25 November 2011 - 08:06 AM, said:

If you read this. http://www.fishforum...__1#entry458315 it clearly states that dead corol is only for marine tanks

I don't see why ? The cichlids Gidge is keeping love hard water with a higher pH and dead coral rock would be ideal for buffering that kind of water parameter IMO. That article seems to make no effort to say why it is not suitable, and I have seen tons of rift lake setups that contain it.

Gidge: great looking tank ! you did a good job of cleaning it up. sorry to hear about the pile up and I hope you recover quickly. what part of aussie are you from ? I am in the UK now but recently returned from New Zealand (that little island off your south east coast, LOL).

I also don't understand what the problem is. The tank that the cichlids are in now, have been in with dead coral and limestone for over 6 years and I haven't had any problems and I have also seen many many cichlid set ups using it. Each to their own opinion though, and thank's for the info.

Mishmash: Should look good when its cleaned a bit more. My dad is currently in the process of building me a fantastic cabinet! Photo's to come! As for the accident, went to the docs today, apparantly my neck has been pulled out of alignment causing all the pain and muscle spasms. Hello physiotherapy.
And I'm in Perth! So bit of a travel to New Zealand. Nice over there?? Oh and thanks very much for your feedback, much appreciated :)

Well if it ain't broke don't fix it. I'd stick with the coral. Only thing that may cause a problem is if the cichlids scrape against it as it can be a bit abrasive. Think about Osteopath for your neck recovery. I found physio too basic for dealing with whiplash misalignment but the Osteo was awesome. Some people like chiropractic but I think they are the opposite extreme to physio. All personal choice I guess. I LOVE Perth ! Stayed at the Swan Hotel when I was there a few years ago. Such a clean city.

PS Love the scaping.. Looking great. Pics... More pics.... :) Just about to look at your other thread. Im not a cichlid expert but have kept a few different species in the past.
Looks really nice, can never have too mnay pics, theres only so much text you can read in one night :good:
what a beautiful looking setup! really love the stand!! did you stain or varnish it at all? may have been worth sealing in somehow as you'll have water getting on it im sure... maybe not though... still looks great cant wait to see it with some fishies in there.
We used a water-proof varnish over the pine :)I'm still gob-smacked at the cabinet. Dad did such a great job.

gorgeous husky, and gorgeous tank!! would absolutely love a setup (and husky) like that one day
hope you're ok after the accident, i have to have a lot of physio and it REALLY helps, so good luck!
You never know what might happen one day! I used to say the exact same thing, and look what happened! So thrilled with it all. I'm hoping the physio does help. My back went out Friday night, so I've been immobile all weekend!

Well if it ain't broke don't fix it. I'd stick with the coral. Only thing that may cause a problem is if the cichlids scrape against it as it can be a bit abrasive. Think about Osteopath for your neck recovery. I found physio too basic for dealing with whiplash misalignment but the Osteo was awesome. Some people like chiropractic but I think they are the opposite extreme to physio. All personal choice I guess. I LOVE Perth ! Stayed at the Swan Hotel when I was there a few years ago. Such a clean city.

PS Love the scaping.. Looking great. Pics... More pics.... Just about to look at your other thread. Im not a cichlid expert but have kept a few different species in the past.
I've stuk with the coral. I love the look of it too much. I've had my clown loaches scrape up against it in the past, but nothing serious and has always healed. But will keep an eye on it! I'm really not a fan of chiro, will have to see how the physio goes, and go from there. Thanks for the info. Glad to hear the scaping look good! Spent so long on it trying to get it perfect!

Looks really nice, can never have too mnay pics, theres only so much text you can read in one night
Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully some fish pics soon as im pretty sure cycle is well on its way. Hit the double 0's already. Love being able to seed filters!!
So the fish are in! Some pics for you all! Thank you to everyone for your feedback and info!
I'm not real good and getting decent photos.

Some full views




Part views


And the Texas

Side View

Some fish
Crimson Tide


Male convict

Marble Peacocks


Tropheus (?) The name has escaped me right now!

Sorry for the large pictures. For some reason photobucket wasn't letting me re-size them. Ialso blurred some of the dates because they were wrong :)

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