You missed quite a lot if you skipped to the end! (I have TWO journals actually.

The other one is
here, and an update should be coming for that one soon too.)
Anyway... I am using an EI dosing schedule.
The CO2 is running 24/7, because of the lack of a solenoid currently. I may invest in one at some point in the future.
Thanks for the suggestion regarding the liquid carbon... I am going to be doing a "One-Two Punch" to eliminate the algae and then hope that it never returns... I will be removing the rocks (actually, I'm in the middle of that right now), will be using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a hope to kill the algae, or at least weaken it... and then go with some Liquid Carbon to finish off the algae... This is going to be done DIRECTLY on the algae, to ensure that the algae gets plenty of dose to do the dirty work. I am hopeful (ever hopeful) that this will kill the BBA sufficiently, if not OUTRIGHT, and allow the plants to really fill in.
I have a nice batch of new plants going into the tank currently:
Alternanthera reineckii
Cabomba caroliniana
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Ludwigia Peruensis
Ludwigia repens
Parrot feather
Shinnersia rivularis
Potamogeton gayi
I am HOPING (again, ever hopeful) that with the increased plant mass, the nutrients will be much more in demand by the plants and that the BBA will not be able to compete.. and will go away.