Successful transition for the white-finned rosy tetras.
I'd mention that they are acting a bit more 'persnickety' than I expected. They do run each other around from time to time, but none of the other fish.

As long as the 'aggression' is limited to each other, I'm not going to be concerned about it.
The fins look very good, with the white tips, in the dark tank.
I'd also give you an update regarding the CO2 situation... The tank should arrive tomorrow. The rest of the CO2 materials should be arriving in a week or so. I am extremely nervous about adding the CO2, but I am extremely optimistic that I'll be able to eradicate the BBA with the addition of the CO2.
I'll be ripping the tank apart - cleaning the rocks manually, and using a liquid carbon dip for the plants to eliminate the BBA that remains in the tank.
The good news is that I only stacked the rocks, so I can disassemble the pile easily. The bad news is that when you are stacking the rocks using nothing but gravity to hold them in place, it takes a while to get them situated just right again.

Oh well... the tank
should look fantastic with the clean rocks and plants. And I'm REALLY excited for the plant growth I should see.