10litre Tank Stocking


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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hey all, as some might of seen my poor male betta died :(

So im gonna empty the tank, put in new filters and do a whole new cycle *even if it takes a month*

Now i dunno if i want another betta

But what do ya reckon can go in this tank? it has a mini filter and a heater

Few Guppies? Dannios?
10 liters? I don't think dannios could go in there, not guppies either. I don't really know what you could, becasue theres not much.
You've got the choice of either another male betta or shrimp, or a snail. That is literally it.
Maybe some microrasbora species or pygmy cories. Also African dwarf frog

ooo a frog, is that them little white things?

If so what do they need? any pebbles or sand? and what food? and fine with a filter and heater? any certain temp?

And water wise are they the same as fish for water changes
Maybe some microrasbora species or pygmy cories. Also African dwarf frog

ooo a frog, is that them little white things?

If so what do they need? any pebbles or sand? and what food? and fine with a filter and heater? any certain temp?

And water wise are they the same as fish for water changes

bloodwrom live foods or frozen foods they will eat
sand is better
filter needs to be one that they cant get theyre legs caught in, sponge is best.
you need a heater yes

DO NOT get the albino clawed frog as this is different and ge much bigger and will eat small fish.
The adf can be kept in community tank

here is a bit of info abou them:

Maybe some microrasbora species or pygmy cories. Also African dwarf frog

ooo a frog, is that them little white things?

If so what do they need? any pebbles or sand? and what food? and fine with a filter and heater? any certain temp?

And water wise are they the same as fish for water changes

bloodwrom live foods or frozen foods they will eat
sand is better
filter needs to be one that they cant get theyre legs caught in, sponge is best.
you need a heater yes

DO NOT get the albino clawed frog as this is different and ge much bigger and will eat small fish.
The adf can be kept in community tank

here is a bit of info abou them:


Well the frogs in my LFS look like this but white

Maybe some microrasbora species or pygmy cories. Also African dwarf frog

ooo a frog, is that them little white things?

If so what do they need? any pebbles or sand? and what food? and fine with a filter and heater? any certain temp?

And water wise are they the same as fish for water changes

bloodwrom live foods or frozen foods they will eat
sand is better
filter needs to be one that they cant get theyre legs caught in, sponge is best.
you need a heater yes

DO NOT get the albino clawed frog as this is different and ge much bigger and will eat small fish.
The adf can be kept in community tank

here is a bit of info abou them:

<a href="http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/mypets/dwarfs.html" target="_blank">http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/mypets/dwarfs.html</a>

Well the frogs in my LFS look like this but white


that would be clawed forgs then probably.

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